Okay, this is fun. Cycling through many of the movie Green Lantern creatures, changing heads, bodies, mandibles, wings, whatever, to create your very own
Movies Archives
Licensing Expo 2011 just opened in Las Vegas and attendee @theonlyesq has given us our first look at a promotional Avengers movie poster debuting there.
Hannah Shaw Williams writes for Bleeding Cool: I instantly pass harsh judgement on anyone who deliberately shows up late to avoid the trailers before the
As one who follows the fashion vaguaries of the horror genre I can't help but notice that zombies are, like, so hot right now. I have a calendar on my
Jumbo Sharky writes for Bleeding Cool: You can see the infamous "Return to Krypton" scene from Superman Returns in full, glorious HD on the Superman
For once, I say “magpie” like it’s a good thing. Time to stop and take stock of DOCTOR WHO now that it’s taking its mid-season break, the first of its
The character designs for the upcoming Japanese anime Blade have been chopped about and thrown around the net like chopped liver, even on the site's
I have a problem with The Big Bang Theory. My problem is that it is neither Spaced nor The IT Crowd which I understand is unfair. But comoing across the
On his blog, Neil Gaiman recently plugged the tenth anniversary edition of American Gods (with 20,000 extra words) and answered lots of Doctor Who
Hannah Shaw Williams writes for Bleeding Cool: Hey kids, do you like controversial topics? Well here's one back to kick off some healthy debate: American
Marvel printed a hundred copies of this special poster for the cast and crew of Captain America: The First Avenger. And the LA Times Hero Complex Film
Hannah Shaw Williams writes for Bleeding Cool: If you haven't yet seen Tommy Wiseau's masterpiece The Room I strongly suggest that you run yourself a hot
After Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, one would have thought that there was little director Michael Bay could add to the robot bashing, building
And it's not even an official Green Lantern partner. Brilliant, pure dead brilliant. Dodgy politics obviously, but hey. This is advertising. This, by the
Hannah Shaw Williams writes for Bleeding Cool: I'm going to keep this brief because the more I write about Quarantine 2 the more irate I shall become.