Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: atom, cw, DC's Legends Of Tomorrow, entertainment, hawkman, television, Vandal Savage
Six Important Moments From DC's Legends Of Tomorrow – Pilot Part 2
This article will contains spoilers for the most recent episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow.
In the second part of the pilot for DC's Legends of Tomorrow we saw some interesting time implications, some classic comic action and a shocker that we probably should have seen coming. Here are the important moments from the episode.
1 – The auction is an important moment because it starts the dominoes that need to fall to make everyone on the team realize how important it is to work as a team and to have a plan. No one listens to Rip Hunter which leads to a battle at the auction (which included Vandal Savage and Damien Darhk… guess Ra's al Ghul had other plans that day). We get to see what the Atom suit can do when it's shrunk down and that is pretty kick-ass. Not sure why he'd fight at full-size. And had he not, then the piece of his suit that gets knocked off would have been too small for anyone to notice… but that piece was the first domino.
2 – Needing to track the missing piece of Atom's armor, Martin Stein, Jefferson Jackson and Sara Lance all head to Ivy Town University to find… Martin Stein. The younger version made a tracker for exactly what they need. But in doing so older Stein not only learns what an arrogant person he was/is but also the team screws up his own timeline in the process. But Stein and the team focus on their mission, get the tracker, find the missing tech and retrieve it. The younger Stein follows them back to the Waverider and asks lots of questions. Suddenly those Time Master rules about not changing time don't seem like a bad idea.
3 – Meanwhile Ray Palmer, Leonard Snart and Mick Rory go off to steal the dagger that killed Hawkman and Hawkgirl the first time while Carter Hall tries to help Kendra Saunders remember an ancient language that is written on the dagger. The heist goes as you'd expect. Ray screws up, then there is an extra alarm, a big metal cage and the homeowner returns… who happens to be Savage. This scene helps build a report between Palmer and Snart which could be one of the most interesting going forward.
4 – The whole purpose of all of this was to get the dagger, say the incantation and stab Savage. Which is what they do… except it's Hawkman who does it and it would only work if it was Hawkgirl… since it was her dagger. Savage then turns around and kills Carter with the dagger and stabs Kendra, but the team saves her before he can kill her as well. Kendra finally made the connection with her past but never got to tell Carter and now he's gone. A nice moment to show that not all of the Legends make it through this alive. Who else might we lose before the season is over?
5 – Hawkman's death is one we should have seen coming since the show started promoting the series without him and then suddenly he was added. But the way he died could lead to some interesting fallout. Anyone know how reincarnation works? If he dies in 1975 does he reincarnate in 1975 or in 2016 when he's from? Could they return to their own time and discover another Hawkman who is suddenly active because he was born parallel to the one who died? This could be something fun for the writers to play with.
6 – At the end, Hunter takes action to get young Marty to the faculty mixer so he can meet his future wife. He says that Stein should not lose his wife while helping to save Hunter's… but at the same time it ingratiates Stein to him just as Ray's mistakes will make him fall inline. Hunter is gaining the teams loyalty, but he sat back through most of the episode and let them do all these things. Was he allowing them to screw up for just this purpose?
I think the pilot for the series was good, but would have been better aired as a solid two-hour special rather than breaking it up. Next week episode looks like the spliting the team up continues as Sara and Rip go after Vandal's financials, while Stein helps Ray with a mission and Jax, Snart and Rory head to Central City to steal something.