Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: barry allen, Cisco Ramon, cw, entertainment, Hunter Zoloman, Patty Spivot, reverse flash, television, The Flash
Six Important Moments From The Flash – The Reverse-Flash Returns
This article will contain spoilers for last night's The Flash.
Last night's new episode of The Flash was called the Return of the Reverse-Flash and was billed as something everyone was waiting for. I wasn't. We already have Zoom, a very similar villain and the Earth-2 Harrison Wells so it didn't really feel like we were missing Reverse-Flash. But the writers found a good way to bring him back that didn't feel forced and it was nice to see the actual Eobard Thawne in the suit and not the Wells version. But let's get to the important moments.
1 – We open with The Flash running around trying to help folks to keep his mind off his girlfriend moving away. He then goes after a runaway chemical truck and stops it. This was a test by Thawne to draw out the Flash. He does this to figure out which era the hero is from, which is odd since that should just be part of history. He acted like this was super important to killing the Flash, but isn't there a Flash Museum in the future or the internet to look up the history? What happens to make the information not available?
2 – In a conversation with Cisco Ramon, Wells comes up with an idea to help him control his Vibe powers. First he locks in what triggers it by scaring Cisco, then he enhances the goggles. Cisco is able to pinpoint a specific set of people in the near future. He could control where he wanted to vibe to. This is a major upgrade to his ability. But putting Wells back in the Reverse-Flash suit, showing that Turtle is dead and then Cisco getting nose bleeds after using the upgraded goggles makes it seems like Wells is purposely trying to sabotage any effort to stop Zoom… as he said he would… and is going to betray Barry Allen and team again. With the Earth-1 Wells betraying them, I can't see the writers doing that same trick again. I'm betting on a bait and switch here somewhere down the line.
3 – Not to be left out, Iris West has to come to terms with finding out she has a brother and that her Mother was alive all this time… before her mother dies. She goes to Francine West's hospital room and makes peace with her mother, saying her only regret is that she hadn't come back sooner so she could have forgiven her sooner and had a life together. But it seems she wasn't the only one with anger. Wally West has been avoiding his mother and it's up to Iris to talk some sense into him. This is the first solid connection between the two and can lay the groundwork for their relationship going forward.
4 – Before she leaves, Patty Spivot figures out that Barry is the Flash. She wants to stay with him but he won't admit it. She tricks him into revealing the truth as she is leaving town. This is only an important moment because it has to be setting up future stories. Otherwise the whole Patty story arc seems to have had no purpose in the show. Other than help solidify that there is no romantic connection between Iris and Barry anymore… she was just kind of there to be cute and give Barry something to worry about. So I have to believe that this is a set up for something bigger in the future.
5 – Barry just can't have anything nice. No girlfriend, can't save his mom and can't even get revenge on her killer. By capturing Thawne it screws up the timeline and that effects Cisco so badly that they must not only free Reverse-Flash, but help him get home. In doing so, Wells explains that this is the origin of everything that has already happened. This is how Thawne figures out who the Flash is, the connection to STAR Labs, Harrison Wells… everything. Time travel sucks some times.
6 – What ran as just part of the subplot for most of the episode made a major turn at the end. Cailtin Snow is obsessed with saving Jay Garrick and wants to find his Earth 1 counterpart in hopes of using his cells to counteract the deterioration going on in Jay. But she, even with Barry's help, can't locate him. When tells Jay we find out he had already has the same idea and had tracked down his doppelganger. But the cells wouldn't help because Jay was mutated when he got his speed. But her insists on meeting her in a park to show her his double… a young man who was orphaned as a child and raised under a different name… Hunter Zoloman. In the comics, Zoloman is Zoom. But is he Zoom in the series? Did the writers just reveal the big bad or are we looking at a red herring for use later? But Zoom is from Earth 2, isn't he?
More pieces of the puzzle are on the table, more questions arise. Who is Zoom? How does Zoloman play into it? Will Jay get his speed back? Next week we get a new rogue, Tar Pit…