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The Tears of Captain America in Avengers: Endgame Trailer – and the Comics
In the new Avengers Endgame trailer, we have a scene with Captain America crying…
Well, to be fair, half of everyone is dead now. So this probably would be the time. He has come close in the films before…
But in the comics, he has been known for having a full blubathon.
And when he starts, whoever is Bucky at the time has to follow…
Although with all those billions dead, there is one from long ago who still touched the heart…
Agent Carter cameo…
Tony Stark using his own helmet to take a selfie…
Even the Marvel Studios logo got dusted…
A kingdom without their king…
Even a quiet Nebula…
And someone who isn't hanging around moping.
The return of Hawkeye…
The new titles… and what was that about Scott Lang being dead?
Well someone made it out of the Microverse Quantum Zone.
Maybe he should have been left there?
It's coming. April 2019. Probably in the UK a couple of days before the US to annoy everyone.