Posted in: Comics, Cosplay | Tagged: captain america, cosplay, cosplay spotlight, disney, HRL, larp, LARPing, Stars and Stripes Cosplay, Steel Lotus Designs, Taokaka, Tiana
Cosplay Spotlight: Stars and Stripes and Steel Lotus Design Studios
Back with another Cosplay Spotlight! Inspired by the always incredible #28DaysofBlackCosplay, Bleeding Cool is taking this opportunity to show off some of our favorite cosplayers! This time we have Steel Lotus Design Studios and Stars and Stripes Cosplay.
Steel Lotus Design Studios
BC: How long have you been cosplaying? What interested you in cosplaying?
I have been cosplaying for 15 years, since my second Otakon. Seeing everyone at the convention in costumes inspired me to try to use my sewing talents for something that also included my interest of anime and video games.
BC: What's your favorite cosplay?
Princess Tiana from The Princess and the Frog or Taokaka from Blazblue.
BC: What do you find challenging about the cosplay community? What would you like to see change?
I find a large portion of the cosplay community are in the craft to aspire to fame. Which isn't terrible, but it brings this elitist mindset, when everyone should realize we are all nerds in costume. So I'd like to see a change of not caring how many likes you have or how expensive your costume is, but just inspiring and learning from one another; giving all craftsman and cosplayers the same respect. Cosplay is a hard job.
BC: What's your most memorable moment?
I went to a panel as Taokaka that was being run by Patrick Seitz, the voice of Ragna the Bloodedge. The minute I walked in the room (I was late) he immediately stopped his panel and screamed out "I love you Taokaka!" as everyone in the room started to cheer and clap. I was playfully scolded for being a distraction. After the panel, Patrick met me outside the room and took pictures with me and said he sent a picture of me to Tao's voice actress. Other people wanted to take pictures with me, too. Patrick also signed one of my paws, retiring my cosplay immediately to preserve it.
BC: So, you also LARP! Obviously LARPing is much more hands on. What's another difference between the two?
The biggest difference between the cosplay and LARP communities is the team aspect. In cosplay you can gather a couple friends/strangers and you may have a group cosplay here or there. In LARP we are always "technically" in a group cosplay — to match our country/unit colors, themes, and help each other within those units with various projects 24/7. The need for outsourcing to complete a project is very slim. But, just like in cosplay, there are people who lend out their craft talents for purchase for those not as skilled.
BC: Do your skills in LARP transfer to cosplay or vice versa?
Oh, for sure. I can say my sewing all over has definitely improved since I took a break from cosplay and focused strictly on LARPing. I created original characters (sometimes inspired through anime/video games with a medieval twist) for game events and even learned techniques for historically accurate clothing. I also learned how to create weapons and armor patterns/pieces, a skill I didn't have before. Those skills I can take to cosplay and challenge myself to make bigger and better costumes. But, more importantly, LARP has made me more confidant in all my skills because if you can make a dress that you can fight in, you can make a dress for anything.
You can find Steel Lotus Design Studios on FB!
Stars and Stripes Cosplay
BC: How long have you been cosplaying? What interested you in cosplaying?
I have been cosplaying for about four years on and off. My interest in cosplaying [was] piqued after meeting wonderful cosplayers that were friendly enough to talk to me and let me into their world a bit. Cosplayers like Tiffany Casey [BC note: Look for her upcoming Cosplay Spotlight!] and Mickie Holm.
BC: What's your favorite cosplay?
My Captain America cosplay for sure. I love how it fit and how it looked, plus everyone walking by me during MAGfest saying "Cap'n" was entertaining to say the least.
BC: What do you find challenging about the cosplay community? What would you like to see change?
What I find challenging — this isn't a cosplay-only thing, but definitely a big issue in the geek community — is racism, especially when you are cosplaying a big character who everyone knows. People seem to be unable to hold themselves from referring to you as a monkey and such. On a smaller scale I find it difficult to me personally to make friends with cosplayers outside of the few I knew before I started. I would love to see purist and elitist in the community change.
BC: What's your most memorable moment?
My most memorable moment was at Magfest 2017. I came across a little girl and her dad dressed as Batgirl and Harley. The dad was a male rendition of Harley and the picture we took together was so pure and fun. Anytime I get to interact with a child when I am dressed up as a character they love puts a big smile on my face.