Vampire bats and a jealous ex-boyfriend! This new issue of Gotham Academy is a page-turner! From DC Comics, written by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, with art by Karl Kerschl, Gotham Academy #8 brings us to Olive's mothers funeral As she tries to cope with her immense loss, Tristan steps in to comfort her, but[...]
Brenden Fletcher Archives
From DC Comics, written by Brenden Fletcher and Cameron Stewart, with art by Babs Tarr, Batgirl #41 is a powerful issue that will tug at your heartstrings Between Barbara having a heart to heart with her father, and her new partner in crime Frankie there is a lot to experience.
I think it's important for me[...]
Now the wait is over! Black Canary is back in her own book, and let me tell you, this is no ordinary rock and roll tour! From DC Comics, Black Canary #1, written by Brenden Fletcher, with art by Annie Wu, begins with a little summary of what the band has been up to thus far,[...]
I couldn't be more excited right now…Gotham Academy is back! From DC Comics, written by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, with guest artist Mingjue Helen Chen (normally Karl Kerschl), this is the big issue that everyone has been talking about At the end of issue #6 we got the big reveal that Damian Wayne is[...]
Marvel, Edge of Spider-Verse), Brenden Fletcher, Kris Anka (designed Storm), Kevin Wada (She-Hulk, Catwoman).
Brenden Fletcher called the con "Babscon" to applause since her artwork is on the t-shirts, con guides, and banners at the convention Fletcher set the stage by defining fashion as being "external" in the world and "style" as being one's own approach.
What does this year have in store for the Dark Knight after such a momentous milestone? That was the question going into Friday's Batman panel at WonderCon.
On hand were Brenden Fletcher (Batgirl, Black Canary), Tom King (Grayson), Greg Pak (Batman/Superman), and Babs Tarr (Batgirl), with the panel moderated by DC All Access' Tiffany Smith.
Batman/Superman #20[...]
However, reading Batgirl: Endgame written by Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher, with art and colors by Bengal, was an incredibly impressive experience I can honestly say that reading Gotham Academy: Endgame #1, from DC Comics, written by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, with art by Jeff Stokely, and colors by Jenny Donovan was just as[...]
The bat is back in Gotham Academy #6 from DC Comics, written by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, with art by Karl Kerschl Normally, we are used to characters feeling at ease when Batman comes around, but not in this case Olive is the opposite of comforted by Batman showing up, and as he attempts[...]
From DC Comics, written by Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher, with art and colors by Bengal, Batgirl: Endgame #1 is perfect I don't use that word very often, but the simplicity of the way this comic is done hits home for me The story is entitled, "The Battle for the Burnside Bridge," and it is[...]
Batgirl #40, From DC Comics, written by Brenden Fletcher and Cameron Stewart, with art by Babs Tarr is a chaotic, action-packed issue that answers a lot of the questions and concerns fans of the series have had over the past few months Now that Barbara has to deal with a past version of herself, and[...]
It's likely that the creative team of Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr would have been unaware of the cover until CBR posted it.
Odds are they probably feel as bad as you do about it.
Equally, this will have been a piece commissioned from Rafael Alberquerque, and will have been delivered as requested[...]
Everything is falling into place with Gotham Academy #5 from DC Comics, written by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, with art by Karl Kerschl After four intense issues of this brilliant new series, the puzzle pieces are fitting together nicely Readers have endured a lot of mysterious moments, unsure of where this story was going[...]
Brace yourself for a roller coaster of emotions in Batgirl #39, From DC Comics, written by Brenden Fletcher and Cameron Stewart, with art by Babs Tarr Things are becoming increasingly complicated for Barbara Gordon, as the new start she hoped to have in Burnside, isn't the clean slate she hoped it would be Barbara is[...]
As we previously mentioned, internally DC Comics is referring to reinvented books, or new books with a fresh and esoteric quality to the rest of the DC Comics line as "Batgirling" after the successful relaunch of that title with Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart and Babs Tarr But it also applies to Brenden's other title, Gotham[...]
Gotham Academy #4 from DC Comics, written by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, with art by Karl Kerschl continues the hunt for Millie Jane! Unlike the last issue, #4 brings Olive and Maps duo together once again to solve the mysteries of Gotham Academy Most of this chapter focuses on an odd symbol that Olive[...]
From DC Comics, Batgirl #38, written by Brenden Fletcher and Cameron Stewart, with art by Babs Tarr is a great issue I knew that I would eventually reach a point of acceptance, and I really think it was just a matter of adjusting to this New Era of Batgirl The previous issues of Fletcher/Stewart and[...]
A "single-page open-sequence with panels sprinkled on it" would be a clunky term, huh?
Let's see if we can figure out what to call it when it comes time to actually script it, eh? Our subject is from Batgirl Issue #35, by Brenden Fletcher (co-writer), Jared K Fletcher (letters), Cameron Stewart (co-writer, breakdowns), Babs Tarr (artist),[...]
Gotham Academy from DC Comics, written by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, with art by Karl Kerschl, colors by Geyser, and letters by Steve Wands
Gotham Academy was a breath of fresh air to the city of Gotham this year Much different from most of the stories that are told amid the dark and gloomy streets,[...]
He writes,
I'm frustrated with the hate that Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr and the Batgirl team is receiving from a very sensitive and vocal group inside the trans community, who I fear are not getting their facts straight – and have probably not read the book in question
To recap: Batgirl #37 features a mystery second Batgirl[...]
But were indebted to those who stand up to speak out about their perspective on stories like this their commentary leads to universally better storytelling, from both ourselves and others, and we hope to live up to that standard in the future.
Cameron Stewart Brenden Fletcher Babs Tarr
With Brenden Fletcher adding
Batgirl 37[...]
Overall, I think the comic is interesting, and has the potential to send a very powerful message to everyone who reads it.
The sparkles are flying in Batgirl #37 from DC Comics, Written by Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher, with art by Babs Tarr, as Barbara Gordon deals with an imposter trying to hurt her reputation[...]
Gotham Academy #3 from DC Comics, written by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, with art by Karl Kerschl It just keeps getting better and better I feel so invested in this colorful cast of characters Olive has really proven to have so many layers, and as more and more of her past is revealed I[...]
Scott Snyder, Becky Cloonan, Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher and Babs Tarr squeezed into a packed concrete and glass walled event room on Sunday to talk to fans, and each other about their work on Batman, Gotham Academy, and Batgirl and the sense of community at the center of their work.
Regarding the inception of the Stewart,[...]
The ending made me very curious as to where the story will go.
Gotham Academy #2 from DC Comics, written by Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, with art by Karl Kerschl was definitely my most anticipated release for the week I have been dying to read another issue ever since I read and reviewed the first[...]
Which will I continue to buy? Which will I attempt to borrow from friends later, or maybe pick up in trade, or not?
I started off with Gotham Academy, which I'd heard good things about (here on Bleeding Cool) and I knew enough about the creative team of Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher, and Karl Kerschl, to[...]
Christine Marie Vinciquarra
As most of you know, the Batgirl series has been taken over by a new creative team consisting of, Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher, and Babs Tarr Their first issue, #35, was released last Wednesday, and it has taken me a little over a week to be able to form a fair opinion[...]
The AV Club have run an "exclusive" preview of Batgirl #35. Exclusive in that it has fewer pages than ours from a few weeks ago - and they don't have big
Written by Becky Cloonan, and Brenden Fletcher, Gotham Academy is a refreshing tale with a spooky setting Karl Kerschl illustrates Gotham in a familiar yet different way The art style is more of a manga type style, which I like The color scheme is gloomy, with a few splashes of bright color thrown in for[...]
Orders are up, DC have already discounted the price for retailers further and they are going for a final push to boost the numbers for this new-look, yellow Doc Martened Batgirl, by Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher, and Babs Tarr.
Which is why retailers have been sent a ten page preview of the comic Which we are happy[...]
And, in an exclusive given by DC's PR folk to MTV, the new Batgirl creative team from #35 are writers Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcher, and new artist Babs Tarr.
The creative team tell MTV,
Stewart: Batgirl has really been put through the wringer in recent years – after being attacked and paralyzed by the Joker, her brother turning[...]