deadpool Archives

Deadpool Goes Hard R in Next Week's Spider-Man/Deadpool #45
Deadpool's movie franchise, special holiday re-releases aside, made its mark on the superhero landscape by going with an R-Rating But R-Ratings aren't something Marvel Comics usually go for, except in rare cases After all, amongst all the fully grown adults (sorry, Bill Maher) that make up the majority of comics readership, there's a small chance[...]
Is This How Black Panther Dies? Again?! Next Week's Black Panther vs. Deadpool #4
Black Panther has been taking on Deadpool in a five-issue miniseries, aptly titled Black Panther vs Deadpool, which sees its penultimate issue released next week The cover for the issue appears to show Deadpool sitting on the throne of Wakanda, apparently having become the new Black Panther. And we all know how you replace the old[...]
Ryan Reynolds Literally Gives Left Arm for 'Deadpool 2'
Turns out, as of this week, Ryan Reynolds takes the cake by literally giving his left arm for Deadpool 2. Image from GQ's feature on Ryan Reynolds Reynolds was scheduled to undergo arm surgery in New York on Sunday morning for a lingering issue, but instead opted to fly to China to support the release of Deadpool 2 to Chinese[...]
What About Blastaar? in Next Week's Spider-Man/Deadpool #44
Deadpool is a little bit distracted in a preview of next week's Spider-Man/Deadpool #44 Caught up in both a flashback and trying to determine how to work a McGuffin, Deadpool isn't paying attention to pressing matters at hand… What is it Deadpool is forgetting? Oh yeah… Of course, it would be nice if Deadpool could at least[...]
Marvel Legends Rides Collage
The other is a Deadpool Corps set with Deadpool, a moped, Dogpool, Squirrel Pool, and tons of accessories These are available for preorder right now Check out both sets below and place a preorder right here. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in[...]
Ten Hopeful X-Men Predictions for 2019 [X-ual Healing 1-2-19]
Oh, who are we kidding? We'll pathologically buy anything with an X on the cover. Deadpool #8 (W) Skottie Young (A/CA) Nic Klein ARE YOU NOT AMUSED-MENT PARK? • Deadpool finds himself in the middle of a twisted rivalry between two competing amusement parks! • But it's not all fun and games when one pernicious porker procures a plethora of…dang[...]
Rob Liefeld Wants Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern [Again]
The end credits to Deadpool 2 notwithstanding Could be massive, just sayin. — robliefeld (@robertliefeld) December 26, 2018 He does REMEMBER that movie, right? How bad it was? Why can't we revisit the proto-Deadpool role of Reynolds' that really made us believe he could be the Merc with a Mouth, Blade: Trinity and Hannibal King Seriously, if you[...]
X-Mas Comes Early as Cyclops Returns! [X-ual Healing 12-19-18]
Deadpool #3 (W) Daniel Kibblesmith (A) Ricardo Lopez Ortiz (CA) Ryan Benjamin, Rain Beredo OFF WITH HIS HEAD! But WHOSE head? Deadpool's? T'Challa's? …JACK O'LANTERN'S? (And which Lantern?) Well SOMEbody better keep his head, because Deadpool and the Black Panther now have a MUTUAL THREAT on their hands-and if they don't act soon, there'll be no Wakanda left[...]
A Major Status Quo Change for Deadpool in March's Spider-Man/Deadpool #48?
Marvel is parodying its own tendency to over-rely on super-mega-crossover events in Spider-Man/Deadpool's Infinite House of Civil Yet Secret Crisis War Invasions storyline, and what could be more important to such super-mega-crossover events than changes that rock the Marvel Universe to its foundations, leaving nothing ever the same again? It looks like Spider-Man/Deadpool plans to make[...]
Millennials and Their Job Ghosting in Next Week's Black Panther vs. Deadpool #3
Deadpool #3... God damn Millennials, always killing their bosses and then donning their supervillain costumes to terrorize the nation of Wakanda. Black Panther vs Deadpool #3 hits stores next week. Black Panther vs Deadpool #3 (of 5) (W) Daniel Kibblesmith (A) Ricardo Lopez Ortiz (CA) Ryan Benjamin, Rain Beredo OFF WITH HIS HEAD! But WHOSE head? Deadpool's? T'Challa's? …JACK O'LANTERN'S? (And[...]
Respect the Back
Deadpool has finally gone too far in this new promo for the upcoming Once Upon A Deadpool release- defending Nickleback. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Respect the Back ( Wisecracking mercenary Deadpool meets Russell, an angry teenage mutant who lives at an orphanage[...]
Good Smile Company Forth Wall Deadpool 1
Deadpool is getting a new statue from Good Smile Company, and to be honest it may be the best Deadpool statue I have ever seen Dubbed the Breaking the Forth Wall, the Merc With a Mouth is busting out of the pages of a comic, sound effects and all This is a rerelease, but painted[...]
Hello, Wolverine. Goodbye, Wolverine. [X-ual Healing 11-28-18]
There's also a new issue of Uncanny X-Men, which is really picking up steam, and of course am X-traneous Deadpool/Black Panther crossover Let's find out what happened in Marvel's mutant books this week… Sworn to sell comics for Marvel executives who feared and hated the fact that Fox owned their movie rights, The Uncanny X-Men suffered great indignities,[...]
ONCE UPON A DEADPOOL Firefist Russell Collins Trailer (NEW 2018) PG-13 Deadpool 2 Movie HD
The month of December sees several films opening, as per usual, but one of them may not be your typical holiday film fare- Once Upon A Deadpool. A second trailer for the release has made it's way to the internet, this one from our friends over at, and it features Firefist actor Julian Dennison reading a story: Once[...]
Deadpool Tries to Join an MCU Franchise in Next Week's Spider-Man/Deadpool #43
In next week's issue of Spider-Man/Deadpool, the titular heroes find themselves stuck in the negative zone, having just apparently let an army of buglike creatures invade the Earth. It's not their fault, however It turns out that Ransak is the cause of the bug stampede And when Spider-Man incorrectly identifies Ransak as an Eternal — though[...]
A GoFundMe to Kill Santa Claus in Next Week's Deadpool #7
It's a very special holiday edition of Deadpool hitting stores next week, as Deadpool is hired by a group of children to kill Santa Claus And you might be asking, well, where do children get the kind of money to hire a world-famous assassin to kill the most powerful mutant in the Marvel Universe? That's easy:[...]
Rob Liefeld Responds to Hugh Jackman Vis-à-vis a Wolverine/Deadpool Crossover
How do you mediate a dispute between two of the biggest superstar actors Hollywood has ever seen? Why, you bring in one of the biggest superstar comic book artists of all time, of course! Earlier this week, Hugh Jackman rocked the comic book movie world when he expressed skepticism that moviegoers would be interested in a[...]
Spidey Thinks of the Children in Next Week's Spider-Man/Deadpool #42
In next week's Spider-Man/Deadpool #42, Deadpool is up to his usual fourth-wall breaking ways, and it's starting to rub off on Spider-Man Spidey explains to Bug that Deadpool believes they're inside a comic book, an idea he initially scoffs at But when Deadpool starts breaking out the toilet humor, Spider, who has worked as a[...]
Hugh Jackman Isn't Sure a Deadpool and Wolverine Crossover Would Work
"I just said, 'You know, I just don't think the world really wants to see Deadpool with Wolverine.' Maybe a cameo from Deadpool? I just think it runs over it for Deadpool." Whether or not Reynolds ends up winning this one is still up in the air but if there was anyone who could convince Jackman[...]
BossLogic Created a Pikapool Piece, Because of Course He Did
With Ryan Reynolds playing BOTH the Merc with a Mouth and Pikachu in live-action films, it was only a matter of time before BossLogic mashed them up for a Pikapool piece. Thankfully, that time was this morning, and the resulting piece (titled "No Balls") is pretty great: NO BALLS! @VancityReynolds #DetectivePikachu #Deadpool — BossLogic (@Bosslogic) November 21, 2018 You can[...]
War of the Vampires Comes to Avengers in February
The head vamp was last seen in Deadpool #29, vanishing after stealing Deadpool's wife The solicit for February's Avengers #14 teases his return, though it's unknown whose side he'll be on. Check it out below: AVENGERS #14 JASON AARON (W) • DAVID MARQUEZ (A/C) WRAPAROUND VARIANT COVER BY MATTEO SCALERA SKRULLS VARIANT COVER by CARLOS PACHECO THE WAR OF THE VAMPIRES[...]
Wayne: YouTube Premium's Bloody Great New Comedy Gets Official Trailer
So Bleeding Cool attended this year's Tribeca TV Festival, and had the opportunity to review YouTube Premium's new original comedy series Wayne, a tale of a bloody road trip, young love, and reckless youth from the writers of Deadpool and Zombieland set to launch on the streaming service on January 16, 2019[...]
Once Upon A Deadpool | Official Trailer
Nothing says Happy Holidays quite like Deadpool saying f**k several times, right? If this sounds like the Yule season tradition for your household, look no further than the official trailer for the upcoming theatrical re-release of Deadpool 2, Once Upon A Deadpool. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Once Upon A Deadpool | Official Trailer[...]
stan lee 2013
Along with appearing in various animated and live action Marvel films and TV shows, he even made a few appearances in rival DC projects. We're going to focus on the major live action films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sony's Spider-Man Universe and X-Men Cinematic Universe and on on the animated works he appeared in like[...]
Mapping Out a Road Trip for Next Week's Spider-Man/Deadpool #41
Spider-Man and Deadpool are going on a road trip in next week's Spider-Man/Deadpool #41, which the book's own solicit bills as the comic book event of the year But what roadside attractions will they stop and see along the way? Deadpool has taken the liberty of mapping it out (with crayon), and we've stitched together[...]
Even Deadpool Gets the Blues in Next Week's Deadpool #6
With his constant wisecracks, lust for violence, and unstoppable healing factor, it would seem like Deadpool has it pretty good Well, except for that whole cancer all over his body thing But in general, Deadpool usually seems to be in a pretty good mood. But not in next week's Deadpool #6 Deadpool, it seems, is feeling[...]