detective chimp Archives

DC Comics Absolute Event Planned for The End Of The Year
Both his plans that didn't happen and those that will. Dark Knight Rising: The Wild Hunt "I had an idea for a Darkseid book that would have anchored the meta-story that we were doing, and then if all those things got taken, I had an idea for a Detective Chimp book. I've had this Detective Chimp book in my[...]
DC Comics Launches Justice League Ape In March 2024
And a big push for Detective Chimp Might the two have somehow been combined? An ddid JL actually stand for Jungle League? Because in March 2o24, DC Comics will be publishing their DC's Ape-ril Special ahead of April Fool's Day, with a banana-scented variant cover by Hayden Sherman, as well as normal selling ones by[...]
DC Comics To Collect Early Detective Chimp Comics
Detective Chimp – or Bobo T Chimpanzee – is a talking chimpanzee who wears a deerstalker hat and solves crimes in the DC Comics Universe, with the Bureau of Amplified Animals, Justice League Dark, The Guild Of Detection and Shadowpact Created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino for Adventures of Rex the Wonder Dog in 1952,[...]
DC Comics Future State Week Two
And Detective Chimp has something to say to that. Future State: Justice League Dark #1 As we discover just who Etrigan will be bound to in the near future A more diminutive choice of hosts. Future State: Justice League Dark #1 Oh, Merlin, what did you do now? Detective Chimp was a Golden Age DC Comics character who was[...]
Justice League Dark #2 cover by Alvaro Martinez Bueno, Raul Fernandez, and Brad Anderson
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Zatanna and Swamp Thing return to the Hall of Justice to help Wonder Woman, Detective Chimp, and Man-Bat fight off the magic users resurrected by the Otherkin They barely survive, and Zatanna points the new Justice League Dark in the direction of the Tower of Fate for answers The team will seek aid from[...]
Justice League Dark #1 cover by Alvarez Martinez Bueno, Raul Fernandez, and Brad Anderson
She finds a willing ally in Detective Chimp, and, elsewhere, Zatanna meets Constantine at a meeting of magic wielders looking to fix the magic in their own manner. Justice League Dark #1 cover by Alvarez Martinez Bueno, Raul Fernandez, and Brad Anderson What is it with modern magic superhero comics having to "fix" or "restore" the magic? Eh,[...]
Dark Nights: Metal #3 cover by Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, and FCO Plascencia
The bar is run by Nightmaster and Detective Chimp Kendra Saunders, Nightwing, Robin, Mister Terrific, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Aquaman, Doctor Fate, Steel, Green Arrow, and Deathstroke are all there waiting for him. They split into teams, searching out locations with the types of metal which could bring down Barbatos and his Dark Knights Hal, Mister[...]