As we mentioned when the original art went on the auction block recently, Wally Wood's potent work for the cover of EC Comics' Shock SuspenStories #6 is among the most reproduced pieces of cover art in American comic book history And there's a historic story behind that cover to match: the cover story by Wood,[...]
ec comics Archives
The horrific image on the front of Crime SuspenStories #22 by Johnny Craig has long been considered one of the most iconic covers in American comic book history. It's a potent symbol of that moment in time: EC Comics Publisher William Gaines tensely squaring off against Senator Estes Kefauver to debate the artistic merits of[...]
Among the most reproduced pieces of cover art in American comic book history, Wally Wood's potent work for the cover of EC Comics' Shock SuspenStories #6 will go up for bid at Heritage Auctions' June 17-19 Comics and Comic Art Signature Auction The story behind this cover is a forceful condemnation of hate groups in[...]
Some cool news from Renegade Game Studios today as they have announced a brand new partnership with EC Comics One of the all-time greatest publishers of comics at a time when sci-fi and horror were finding a new voice, EC has a place in Americana for being the birthplace of Tales From The Crypt, Vault[...]
Nearly three years since the announcement, director M. Night Shymalan (Glass) has an update on his 'Tales from the Crypt' reboot - and it's not good.
EC Comics has released the cover to its upcoming comic book Crime Suspenstories #22 by Johnny Craig, which has already been causing outrage The cover depicts a woman hideously decapitated in a horrendous fashion, seemingly by an axe, with lurid cover copy revelling in the sensational and grotesque aspects of the image as being in the[...]
IDW Publishing is collecting together the historic comic series created, written and illustrated by artist/writer/editor Al Feldstein prior to going to
To achieve our goal a total of forty independent writers, artists, letterers, and colorists from states as far apart as Florida, New York, and California gathered beneath Rachel's editorial leadership to create Skin Crawling Comics.
Drawing inspiration from the spooky comics of old, such as EC Comics' Tales from the Crypt and Vault of Horror, we[...]
Mad was launched by EC Comics in 1952 and was a comic book-sized and format publication through issue #23.
Chris Thompson tells us:
IDW's first ever Artist's Edition with DC Comics will be MAD comics (the pre-cursor to the magazine) featuring art by Basil Wolverton, Harvey Kurtzman, Will Elder, Wally Wood, etc Scott Dunbier says this[...]
Wally Wood's EC Stories.
Featuring stories drawn by Wood for EC Comics, one of the most important periods of work in American comics, and reproduced as close to the original art pages as possible The book will be published in October and cost $125 for 144 pages at a 15 by 22 inch size.
Two more volumes[...]
You see a lot of lists like this around Halloween, and most of 'em are fun to glance at, but they largely all cover the same unhallowed ground every year