galactus Archives

The Fantastic Four Go Cosmic as Galactus Approaches [Review]
In Part 2 of this review segment will be looking at Silver Surfer, Galactus, and Super Skrull All of these characters are commons and can be found in store now. There are 14 Funko Pop Fantastic Four figures that have been released Three are retailer exclusives and one is a specialty series that can be found[...]
Messing With Dormammu in Doctor Strange #15 (Preview)
The fate of the entire multiverse is on the line in this preview of Doctor Strange #15, as the Dread Dormammu attempts to harness the powers of Galactus to eat not just one world, but all the worlds! And make no mistake, the titular Doctor recognizes the severity of the situation… With the power of Galactus,[...]
Nightmare is a Climate Change Denier in Doctor Strange #14 (Preview)
Galactus, the world devourer, is trapped there, which means he can't rely on his usual scientific methods to drain the energy out of planets Doctor Strange and Clea are doing their best to locate worlds which Galactus can eat without killing their inhabitants… but the situation is getting dire Galactus is really hungry. But amongst some[...]
A Serious Violation of Library Protocols in Next Week's Doctor Strange #12
For example, there appear to be no limits on the number of books one can check out at once… Yeah, Zoloz, didn't you read the terms of your library card? Apparently not, as Zoloz plans to use everything in Doctor Strange's mystic library at once, weaponizing it… How rude! What about the other patrons? And using it[...]
Doctor Strange Puts on His Galactus Hat in April
In March's Doctor Strange #12, the titular doc will become the herald of Galactus In April's Doctor Strange #13…he might become Galactus himself? That's what we call a promotion! Marvel teased the issue, which will be solicited soon, on their website: Last month, teased the new role of Doctor Stephen Strange as the Herald of Galactus[...]
Doctor Doom Takes on Galactus in Esad Ribic's Fantastic Four #7 Cover
Marvel has revealed Esad Ribic's cover to February's Fantastic Four #7, in which Doctor Doom takes on Galactus, and in a rare twist for modern Marvel Comics, the cover actually reflects what's going on in the interior pages! A press release touts the epic battle to come: One is an unstoppable cosmic force of nature The[...]
Galactus Returns and He Wants Revenge on Jean Grey in X-Men Blue's Penultimate Preview
A preview of X-Men #35 sees time-displaced teenage Jean Grey reunited (and it feels so good) with resurrected adult Jean Grey, reminiscing about that time they face Galactus in Generations: Phoenix and Jean Grey, as Jean Greys do. And what a coincidence… in this same issue, but in the apocalyptic future of Extermination, Galactus returns, and,[...]
Silver Surfer Annual #1 cover by Philip Tan and Marte Gracia
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Years ago, the Silver Surfer was still the Herald of Galactus, charged with the task of seeking out planets for the World-Eater to consume On one such trek, the man once known as Norrin Radd heard a song coming from within a world On the surface, he finds nothing but war, cruelty, and death[...]
Marvel Legends Silver Surfer 5
The Herald of Galactus himself, the Silver Surfer, flies into the Marvel Legends line updated and shiny Worth the upgrade? Let's find out! #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Lately I've been bored by the Marvel Legends packaging[...]
Exiles #5 cover by David Marquez and Tamra Bonvillain
He is using the remains of Galactus from across the Multiverse to give himself the power to consume all realities It's down to Blink, Khan, Valkyrie, Wolvie, Iron Lad, and Nick Fury to beat the odds and save every universe from being consumed. Exiles #5 cover by David Marquez and Tamra Bonvillain This is the bombastic finale[...]
Joe Quesada Draws Galactus for Fantastic Four #1
What's old is new again, after all, is basically Marvel's motto. This time, Quesada's variant is a "Hidden Gem," meaning it is "never before seen as a cover." Anyone recognize where it originally came from? [Update: Commenter Bruno Billion identified the artwork as being from the Hasbro 2010 SDCC San Diego Comic Con Exclusive Marvel Universe 19″ Galactus[...]
Infinity Countdown #4 cover by Nick Bradshaw and Morry Hollowell
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Silver Surfer approaches Galactus the Lifebringer for help with the dawning Ultron crisis Adam Warlock faces Ultron Prime on his own The Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps reconnoiter on Knowhere The Nova want to look after the Power Stone, but Gamora is reluctant to allow them to have it Richard Rider[...]
Marvel Two-in-One #6 cover by Jim Cheung and Frank Martin
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Our Thing, Human Torch, and Victor von Doom with the Sue Storm and Reed Richards of this other Earth have put together their last and best defense against the approaching Doom/Galactus hybrid of this world He has consumed the rest of the universe, and this Earth is the last item on the menu[...]
Marvel Two-in-One #5 cover by Nick Bradshaw and Morry Hollowell
It may be cut short, as the hybrid Doctor Doom/Galactus is on his way back to Earth and will consume everyone if Mr Fantastic can't think of a way to stop him On top of that, Doom's heralds arrive to wreak havoc amongst the heroes of this world. Marvel Two-in-One #5 cover by Nick Bradshaw and[...]
Black Panther Ultimates #1 cover by Kenneth Rocafort
The first of these was curing Galactus, the World-Eater, of his eternal hunger. Ultimates #1 cover by Kenneth Rocafort The team would face some struggles after the events of Civil War II Captain Marvel and Black Panther became at odds but still cooperated The Ultimates would face their greatest struggle upon discovering that Eternity, the being that[...]
ultimates squared
The starting project was curing Galactus of its hunger, and that is certainly a daring opening salvo. Funnily enough, I intended to put Ultimates Squared #100 on this list instead of #9 I forgot that Joe Glass took care of that instead of me. #100 was really incredible though, but we're going with Ultimates #9 instead. The soft relaunch of Ultimates Squared was an odd move on[...]
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Ultimates Squared #100 from Marvel Comics by Al Ewing, Travel Foreman, Filipe Andrade, Marco Lorenzana, Scott Hanna and Dan Brown with Matt Yackey brings to a conclusion Ewing's long-running plot that has run through numerous iterations of the series, and connections through his other works at Marvel. In fact, it's fair to say Ewing has[...]
Generations: The Phoenix
The Phoenix, who for all intents and purposes is Jean Grey, at this time. Overall, the Jeans have a nifty encounter together that's all a bit of fun, involving beaches, nightclubs, and punching Galactus in the mush It's a fun little story, with some sweet characterisation. The problem is, it doesn't really feel like the story has[...]
Ultimates Squared #9 Review: Literal Existential Crisis
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] With the Eternity Watch united by Galactus It is time for a showdown with Logos, the unity of Chaos and Order Logos has met up with the death celestials sent into Eternity by the First Firmament, and they are having a war room meeting within the Superflow The Maker (Ultimate Reed Richards) and High[...]
Ultimates Squared #8 Review: Galactus And Ego Have A Heart-To-Heart
The Ultimates, now working without government sanction thanks to the events of Civil War II¸ are investigating this phenomenon with the help of Galactus, who is now the Life-Bringer. Miss America, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Blue Marvel, and Spectrum are hot on the trail of this when they are attacked by the government-sanctioned Troubleshooters, who want[...]
CGI Shocker: Parallax And/Or Galactus Returns In Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2?!
Fans also got to see the scene, which revealed some major spoilers about the movie. That's right… Parallax has returned! Or, conversely… Galactus has returned! It's unclear which, but check out the footage below and see for yourself (and rewind to the start of the video if you want to see the behind the scenes footage): can't be loaded[...]
If You Can't Get Galactus, Call Sam, A Mondocon Exclusive Poster By Jack Kirby
Mondo may not be allowed to make Galactus posters, because it's part of the Fantastic Four and that license is still a no no (hopefully as a result of the Feige/Perlmutter Civil War that may be changing soon). But that's okay, when you can get the next best thing An exclusive metallic Mondocon poster, Sam, by[...]
Marvel Says No To Any Mondo Posters That Feature The Fantastic Four
/Film reports at the last weekend's Mondocon, the people behind the popular Mondo line of pop culture posters, talked about the posters that had been rejected for some reason. Including the Galactus image above. Marvel straight up rejected it No reason They just said no to anything Fantastic Four in general. Which rather puts them in the field of sketch[...]
Galactus Feasts Upon Castle Doom: Touring the Hasbro Marvel Universe Display
Doom and Strange, Scarlet Witch, Adam Warlock and Kang the Conqueror hope to contain the mighty Galactus. The X-Men are locked into battle with many of their foes While Xavier is being rescued by Storm in the battle above, and Wolverine is locked in battle with ninjas, there are a few notable absences… Oh, there's Cyclops[...]