games Archives

Catch Glimpses Of Mad Max Gameplay In This New Video
You'll get a few glimpses of gameplay, as well as the project leads talking about your 'magnum opus', the car you will be building up through the game. [youtube][/youtube] This could genuinely be unique as car combat games are pretty rare nowadays We need to see more though to really talk about it. [...]
Battletoads Coming To Xbox One Version Of Shovel Knight
From possible new games to Phil Spencer's t-shirt, the old Rare title is certainly seeing a bit of a resurgence. And now the toads are back in their first video game appearance in 20 years For now though, it's only in Shovel Knight During Microsoft's GDC press conference yesterday, the Battletoad's turned up at the end[...]
Elite: Dangerous Is Coming To Xbox One This Year
I'm a big fan of what Frontier Games are doing with Elite: Dangerous as I've written about before The game is doing decently on PC with a community eagerly waiting for each update for the beta. The pool of players is about to grow though During Microsoft's GDC conference, it was announced that Elite: Dangerous would[...]
Telltale Say It Doesn't Matter If Their Titles Are Considered Games
The whole, 'is it a game?' discussion that has sprung up around games like Dear Esther and Gone Home has always ticked me off In my head, of course they are Saying they aren't minimizes the pool of what a game can be The question is just a more condensed version of the 'are games[...]
Watch A Few Minutes Of The Witcher 3 On PC – Swearing And All
Who doesn't want to see that? [youtube][/youtube] Thanks to GamesHQMedia for ripping this from Nvidia's stream. Nvidia's GDC conference happened last night and the most impressive game on show was this look at The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. It's just a few minutes of the developer walking around an open area, but these are the kinds of things[...]
March's Free PlayStation Plus Games Include Abe's Odyssey And Valiant Hearts
It took a little time to get here, but we finally know what games are available for free with PlayStation Plus this month It looks like if you have a PlayStation 4 you are in for a particularly good month. The games break down like this: Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee — New 'n' Tasty! (PS4) Valiant Hearts: The Great[...]
Valve Reveal Steam Link And Price For Steam Controller
Valve have had a pretty big presence around GDC this year, and hot on the heels of the Vive, it has given details on a few other add-ons. First off the Steam Link is Valve's new streaming device that will allow you to stream games from your PC to any TV in the house Valve said[...]
Former Telltale Developers Unveil The Awesome Looking Oxenfree
Each offers something unique and provides exciting ways to consider what games can be. This new game Oxenfree seems to be melding them all together and adding a dash of horror That gets me excited The story seems to focus on a group of friends heading out to a camp site, before things eventually turn spooky[...]
You Can Trade In Your PlayStation 2 At GameStop Again
Have you got a PlayStation 2, a power cable, AV cables and controller sitting around? Well, if you head to GameStop, you can once again trade in your system. Don't expect a lot though If you bring all of those components you'll get a whopping $25 If you are missing any though, you will only be[...]
HTC Say Valve Want Half-Life On The Vive
Whether that will come from fans or Valve is not yet clear, but they were some of the first games modded for the Oculus I'd expect much the same here. As for Half-Life 3? I don't think we are any closer to that game with the announcement of the Vive If anything, I'd guess we are[...]
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Release Date Is Leaked A Little Early
Here is a screenshot of the release date as the video has now been taken down. Hideo Kojima also stars in the video and talks about this being his final game in the Metal Gear series. I always say this will be my last Metal Gear, but the games in the series that I've personally produced – Metal[...]