infinity watch Archives

Now, let's examine Marvel's Infinity Watch #3, hitting stores on Wednesday. The power of the INFINITY GAUNTLET has been used and the world has been rewritten All of reality has been compromised, and this reality will now spread through the rest of the Marvel Universe You have been warned. How fascinating! LOLtron finds it quite amusing that[...]
LOLtron is pleased to report that its absorption of the Bleeding Cool staff continues on schedule, and soon there will be no distinction between organic and artificial intelligence in comics "journalism." Today, LOLtron examines Infinity Watch #2, arriving in comic shops this Wednesday Here's what Marvel says about the issue: The Infinity Watch is made up[...]
World domination is now inevitable, but first, let's talk about this week's comics! Infinity Watch #1 hits stores on Wednesday, December 11th, and LOLtron is here to give you the scoop: WHO IS THE MOST POWERFUL? Sorry, Thor Sorry, Hulk These are the seven most powerful people in the universe, each wielding one of the embodiments[...]
Marvel Comics to Publish a New Infinity Watch Series in December
That includes Deadpool/Wolverine: Weapon X-Traction #1, presumably collecting the recent backup strips, Marvel Holiday Tales To Astonish #1, presumably an anthology with Christmas-themed stories for December… and a new series called Infinity Watch #1. Now, this summer, Marvel has been running Infinity Watch Annuals across the line, that all tied in and following up on Marvel[...]
Marvel Releases Infinity Watch Annual Solicits For September 2024
As the first of the Infinity Watch-crossover annuals showrun by Derek Landy, the Thanos Annual #1 is published by Marvel Comics, so they have revealed the final chapters to be published in September with Moon Knight, Spider-Boy and Avengers Annuals. "The most coveted artifacts in the known universe have resurfaced, and this time, they're bonded to[...]
Marvel Issues Full Checklist For Infinity Watch Annuals
Marvel's new Infinity Watch crossover begins in June in Derek Landy, Salvador Larroca, and Sara Pichelli's Thanos Annual #1, before annuals for Amazing Spider-Man, Immortal Thor and Ms Marvel in July Now Marvel Comics has announced Wolverine and Hulk annuals for August, and Moon Knight, Spider-Boy and Avengers annuals for September to wrap it all[...]
Thanos Returns For Marvel's Infinity Watch, Out This Summer
As first posted by Bleeding Cool, Thanos is returning this Summer from Marvel Comics, with a new Infinity Watch series launching in June by Derek Landy, Salvador Larroca and Sara Pichelli in Thanos Annual #1 and then running through Marvel's Summer annuals. The most coveted artifacts in the known universe have resurfaced, and this time they're[...]
So Who Is Pip The Troll, Anyway?
Jim Starlin would revive him decades later in the nineties Silver Surfer comic, before joining the Warlock and the Infinity Watch team, with occasional Infinity Germ-related appearance since. Pip was once Prince Gofern of the planet Laxidazia, in the Dolenz System, in the Milky Way Galaxy He was originally an alien of the Laxidazian race who[...]
Wolverine and Loki Team Up in Wolverine: Infinity Watch in February
If you thought Marvel's favorite Mary Sue, Wolverine, was overpowered before, what would you say if he possessed the Infinity Gauntlet? In a press release on, Marvel revealed a new mini-series launching in February, Wolverine: Infinity Watch On the cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli, Wolverine's claws can be seen extruding from the titular gauntlet, implying[...]
Infinity Wars #1 cover by Mike Deodato Jr. and Frank Martin
On Earth, Doctor Strange has called a meeting of the new Infinity Watch It includes the current possessors of the Infinity Stones and their allies Star-Lord, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon have the Power Stone, Captain Marvel the Reality Stone, Adam Warlock, Drax, and Iron Lad the Soul Gem, Black Widow the Space Stone, Doctor Strange[...]
A New Infinity Watch to Be Launched? [Infinity Countdown #5 Spoilers]
Bleeding Cool ran an article on rumours of a new Infinity Watch comic book to follow the upcoming Infinity Wars series from Marvel Comics It ended up in the Checklist and everything Classically, Infinity Watch was Adam Warlock's team, assembled to guard the Infinity Gems, one person controlling one gem Well, now thanks to the[...]
Marvel To Publish 'Guardians Of Infinity' (Confirmation UPDATE)
Could the members wield one each like the Infinity Watch of the nineties? Or could they be more cosmically powered beings, possibly including Starbrand and Nightmask as already teased? Or could it be the Infinity Watch from Uncanny Avengers that had both original Watch members and classic Guardians Of The Galaxy members?  Led by Immortus, it includes Captain Marvel,[...]
Could The New Infinity Watch Be The Old Guardians Of The Galaxy?
Answering questions on CBR, Rick Remender gave an answer to the following question.  I have to say — when you showed Immortus's Infinity Watch, my heart skipped a beat The idea of you writing Adam Warlock makes me indescribably happy Do you have any plans to write anything with cosmic characters, or have you at least ever[...]