jack kirby Archives

Jack Kirby's Family Address President Zelenskyy of Ukraine
Neal Kirby son of Jack Kirby, and his wife have sent the following to Bleeding Cool, after sending it to President Zelenskyy of Ukraine They write; "Sir, you are supported by many Americans You are owed an apology by the Vice President and President for their disgraceful behavior My father in law, Jack Kirby, was the[...]
Comic Book Creator Credits For Captain America: Brave New World
Later on in the credits, we get "Captain America created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby" followed by Special Thanks to the following comic book creators I have added my best guesses as for what the thanks are for, feel free to correct or clarify in the comments. Daniel Acuña – co-creator of Joaquin Torres, the[...]
Cosmic Lion
Jack: How to Feud the Marvel Way, telling the story of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the architects of the Marvel Universe, as an "illustrated dialogue" ensuring that "Comics will break your heart kid." Their April 2025 solicits also include The Cosmic Lion Primer, an "arto-biography" of Cosmic Lion founder Eli Schwab Adam Lemnah's fantasy,[...]
Prize Comics #9 featuring the Black Owl (Prize, 1941)
Power Nelson, Man of the Future had been the cover feature of the first six issues of Prize Comics, but that ended for good with Prize Comics #7.  A burst of new creators and new features quickly left Power Nelson on the back pages of the title, and as a result of this new mix[...]
Fantastic Four #1 (Marvel, 1961)
The November 1961 cover-dated comic book by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee was released on August 8, 1961, and is the beginning of what became an integrated Marvel Universe of superheroes in the Silver Age.  The issue introduced the team of Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards), the Invisible Woman (Sue Storm), the Human Torch (Johnny Storm), and the[...]
Stan Lee Lied... in The Daily LITG, 11th of September 2024
In August of 1958, they release ZERO books to the newsstand. In the door walks Jack Kirby (remember him?) who is looking for work… he immediately talks them into keeping the doors open and letting him do some sci-fi ideas – Goodman had never had much success with Sci-Fi and wasn't a fan of it –[...]
IDW Artist's Editions 2025- Turtles, Eternals, Mister Miracle, Marvel
It will be joined by other Artists Edition titles for Jack Kirby's Mister Miracle, Jack Kirby's Eternals, showing both the original pencils and the inked pages, a reprint collection of the original artwork to a number of Marvel Comics covers, from the seventies, eighties and nineties, and David Mazzuchelli's artwork from Daredevil: Born Again. Teenage Mutant[...]
Headline Comics #3, #10 (Prize, 1943-1944)
Prize's Headline Comics is best remembered for becoming a stand-out crime comic book series in 1947 featuring work by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby beginning with issue #23.  While this seems a radical change from what had come before, perhaps it was the logical move for the publisher Prize, as the title's beginnings were clearly[...]
Champion Comics #10 (Harvey, 1940)
Joe Simon and Jack Kirby are among the most famous creative teams in American comic book history.  They are the legendary creators of comic book titles and characters like Captain America and Bucky, Newsboy Legion, Boy Commandos, Manhunter, Boys' Ranch, Fighting American, and numerous others.  Every team starts somewhere, and the earliest collaborations of these[...]
Blue Bolt #2 (Novelty Press, 1940) Simon & Kirby art.
Sometimes a comic book key is not about a first appearance, origin, first issue, or pivotal events in the story.  Sometimes, it's more about an important moment in time, and the first collaboration of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby is one such moment.  The legendary pair are among the most famous creative teams in American[...]
Double Life of Private Strong, (Archie, 1959).
AS Joe Simon told it in his 2011 bio Joe Simon: My Life in Comics,  as part of a proposed return to the superhero genre for publisher Archie, which would be launched by Simon and Jack Kirby, John Goldwater had asked him for something more like Superman in addition to The Fly "So I proposed[...]
Battle #70 (Atlas, 1960)
The Marvel/Atlas war comic era started with War Comics #1, which hit newsstands in early September 1950, a little over a month after the United States entered the Korean War.  That war would soon help inspire a wave of war comic books from countless publishers in the early 1950s, but war comics would be a[...]
Klarion the Witch Boy was created by Jack Kirby for The Demon in 1973, both the archenemy of Etrigan the Demon and is a reoccurring adversary in the DC Universe Originally from Witch World, a magical dimension, he rebelled against adult authority and fled to the DC Universe Revived by Peter David for Young Justice:[...]
Jack Kirby's Daughter, Susan Kirby, Was A Sixties Pop Star In Britain
He posted to Facebook, "In addition to comics, I sometimes flog vintage mags on my eBay page, and was surprised to discover this item about Jack Kirby's daughter in the women's mag Petticoat for Oct 1st, 1966." Petticoat, Oct 1st, 1966. And it was a feature on the sixties Canadian/British girl band, She Trinity Including one Sue[...]
Young Romance Comics #12 (Prize, 1949)
Comic book genres have sometimes risen to prominence on the success of a single title, and such was the case for romance comic books with Joe Simon and Jack Kirby's Young Romance in 1947.  When Time Magazine covered the romance comic book boom in 1949, it was already citing Young Romance as the originator of[...]
My Date Comics #1
Joe Simon and Jack Kirby may be best known for creating the patriotic political superhero with Captain America, espousing military intervention in a foreign country at a time when US politics favoured isolationism, and Nazis held rallies in New York But after the war, they also invented the American romance comic, the success of which[...]
Young Love Blossoms From Jack Kirby At Heritage Auctions
While maybe not his most action-packed piece, this Jack Kirby cover conveys the drama that a romance comic book requires He just had such a way of making his images feel like they were moving, and the dialogue helps that.  According to GCD, it's unclear who inked this cover, and it may have been either[...]
Joe Simon & Jack Kirby 's Romance Comic In Love, Up for Auction
Joe Simon and Jack Kirby were a Golden Age comic book force, not only creating Captain America in 1939, but also the romance comic in the forties, which spurred a successful genre in and of itself They had moved from creating comics to producing comics with other talent, including themselves, for comic book publishers, but[...]
Love Romances #88 (Atlas, 1960) cover by Jack Kirby.
If there's such a thing as overlooked Jack Kirby covers, his Silver Age romance work for Marvel might just fit the bill.  Joe Simon and Jack Kirby had pioneered the romance genre in comics with Young Romance in 1947, so it should come as no surprise that Kirby had romance work mixed in among the monsters,[...]
Amazing Spider-Man #1 (Marvel, 1963).
The story by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee and with a cover by Jack Kirby and Ditko would help set the tone for the character and the Marvel line itself for decades to come. Amazing Spider-Man #1 (Marvel, 1963). The Amazing Spider-Man #1 Curator Pedigree (Marvel, 1963) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages. Here it is web-heads, your once-in-a-lifetime[...]
Jack Kirby's Machine Man Owned By DC- Daily LITG, 6th of January 2024
You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here. Machine Man Jack Kirby's Machine Man Owned By DC in the ten most popular stories yesterday DC Comics Have Told Marvel That They Own Machine Man Will DC Introduce a Justice Gang Instead of a Justice League in 2024? Marvel Comics Tried To Get Jim Lee To Take Over X-Men,[...]
DC Comics Have Told Marvel That They Own Machine Man
All because he began as X-51, a character in the Jack Kirby adaptation and continuation of the Stanley Kubrick movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, published by Marvel in the seventies And because Warner Bros owns that movie, they also own the comic book and the continuing series. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1[...]
It is meant to include the artists whose work was used to develop Midjourney's AI art offering. They include comic book creators such as Tim Bradstreet, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Art Spiegelman, Brian Bolland, Bill Sienkiewicz, Bill Watterson, Bill Willingham, Ben Templesmith, Adi Granov, Al Davidson, Alex Toth, Arthur Rackham, Arthur Suydam, Scott McCloud, Ryan North, Mort Drucker,[...]
Love Romances #19 (Atlas, 1951)
Love Romances was part of the Marvel romance boom which saw the publisher launch an incredible 31 romance titles, 1948-1950.  Most of these disappeared quickly, but Love Romances was one of a handful of exceptions, lasting 101 issues 1949-1963.  The series numbering continued from the short-lived Ideal title, which began as a Classics Illustrated type of[...]
My Own Romance #22 (Atlas, 1952)
About a year after Joe Simon and Jack Kirby launched the comic book romance genre with Young Romance #1 in 1947, Marvel/Atlas publisher Martin Goodman debuted Marvel's first romance title, My Romance.  The title was quickly altered to My Own Romance with issue #4 to make room for a non-comics Atlas magazine called My Romance, and[...]
G.O.D.S. Isn't Sandman Or Saga, It's Books Of Magic Meets New Gods
And G.O.D.S.seems to be a Jonathan Hickman take on Jack Kirby's New Gods, at least in origin. The New Gods were created by Jack Kirby as part of his Fourth World series for DC Comics in 1971, and came from his work on Thor, after wanting Ragnarok to kill off the Asgardian pantheon[...]
Jack Kirby's Son, Neal Kirby Responds to Stan Lee Disney+ Documentary
Granddaughter of Jack Kirby, Jillian Kirby posted on behalf of her father Neal Kirby regarding a recent article published by Marvel Comics looking the Fantastic Four, ahead of the 2025 planned Marvel movie She posted "A statement from my father, Neal Kirby, son of Jack Kirby, disputing an article about the Fantastic Four published 8/8/23"[...]
Secret Invasion
Any further suggestions in the comments are most welcome… The credits have dropped Kurt Busiek, Chris Claremont and Jim Craig again and have also dropped Jerry Ordway, James D Hudnall and John Ridgway. They have returned Ben Dunn, Kevin Gunstone, Christopher Priest and Kenny Martinez. You can see previous credits from the previous three episodes, for Secret Invasion[...]
Tell us if we are right, or wrong – and thanks to Mathew Folwell for a correction from last week's list. Brian Michael Bendis – writer and co-creator of the series Secret Invasion (2008), co-creator of Maria Hill in The New Avengers #4 (2005), Pagon in New Avengers #1, co-creator of Dro'ge in New Avengers #40[...]