jeffrey dean morgan Archives

The Walking Dead Season 9: The Post-Rick Grimes Future is Now! (TRAILER)
From the next generation of Grimes and Carol (Melissa McBride) going Gandalf/Katniss to the arrival of Magna's (Nadia Hilker) group of survivors and a slightly saner (but still manipulative) Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), the future remains just as deadly as ever – Rick Grimes or no Rick Grimes Meanwhile… The Whisperers are coming. can't be loaded[...]
The Walking Dead Season 9, Episode 5 'What Comes After' (Bring Out Your Dead 905! Live-Blog)
904 | The Walking Dead ( In the following behind-the-scenes video, the cast and creators discuss how Maggie's (Lauren Cohan) plans to kill Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) tests Rick's closest relationships. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: (SPOILERS) 'Rick's Way or the Highway' Inside Ep 904 BTS | The Walking Dead ( can't be loaded[...]
The Walking Dead's Steven Yeun "Felt Beige," "Cramped" Playing Glenn
Though Glenn would meet his fatal fate at the end of Negan's (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) "Lucille," his death – and the life he led – continue to impact the series to this day. AMC To promote new South Korean art-house thriller Burning, Yuen sat down with Slate to discuss his thoughts on what American audiences expect from him as[...]
The Walking Dead Season 9, Episode 4 'The Obliged': Et tu, Daryl? Et tu? (REVIEW)
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's weekly review of AMC's The Walking Dead, as we take a look at the fourth episode (and the second-to-last episode for Andrew Lincoln's Rick Grimes) in the game-changing ninth season of the long-running drama-horror series, 'The Obliged.' AMC Less than two years after Rick, Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Michonne (Danai Gurira), and the rest[...]
The Walking Dead Season 9, Episode 4 'The Obliged' (Bring Out Your Dead! Live Blog)
Welcome back to Bring Out Your Dead: Bleeding Cool's The Walking Dead Live-Blog!, as we take a look at the fourth episode (and the second-to-last episode for Andrew Lincoln's Rick Grimes) in the game-changing ninth season of AMC's long-running drama-horror series, 'The Obliged.' AMC Less than two years after Rick, Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Michonne (Danai Gurira), and the rest of the[...]
The Walking Dead Season 9, Episode 3 'Warning Signs' (Bring Out Your Dead! Live Blog)
AMC Welcome back to Bring Out Your Dead: Bleeding Cool's The Walking Dead Live-Blog!, as we take a look at the third episode in the game-changing ninth season for AMC's long-running drama-horror series, 'Warning Signs.' Less than two years after Rick (Andrew Lincoln), Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Michonne (Danai Gurira), and the rest of the communities banded together to bring[...]
The Walking Dead s09e02 'The Bridge' Builds Season 9 Tension Effectively (REVIEW)
AMC Welcome to Bleeding Cool's weekly review of AMC's The Walking Dead, as take a look at the second episode of the long-running horror-drama's ninth season, The Bridge.' Less than two years after Rick (Andrew Lincoln), Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Michonne (Danai Gurira), and the rest of the communities banded together to bring down Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan)[...]
Bring Out Your Dead 902: Bleeding Cool's The Walking Dead Live-Blog!
AMC Welcome back to Bring Out Your Dead: Bleeding Cool's The Walking Dead Live-Blog!, as we take a look at the next episode in the game-changing ninth season for AMC's long-running drama-horror series, 'The Bridge.' AMC Less than two years after Rick (Andrew Lincoln), Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Michonne (Danai Gurira), and the rest of the communities banded together[...]
The Walking Dead s09e01 Review: Angela Kang's 'A New Beginning' Resets, Refreshes
AMC Welcome to Bleeding Cool's weekly review of AMC's The Walking Dead, as the long-running horror-drama returns with the season 9 premiere, 'A New Beginning.' AMC With Angela Kang stepping up as new showrunner, the imminent departure of Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and "partial departure" of Maggie (Lauren Cohan) on the horizon, and the looming threat both the Whisperers[...]