Doctor Who has always been pretty good at coming up with new monsters, and the BBC has put together a video compilation of monsters from the 13th Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) era If nothing else, it proves that showrunner Chris Chibnall knows how to come up with decent monsters That's a job requirement for writing and[...]
jodie whittaker Archives
A new week brings a new challenge for Jodie Whittaker (The Doctor), Mandip Gill (Yaz), and John Bishop (Dan) to compete against each other This time? It's emoji! But before we get to that, we have a look at some new preview images from the BBC and BBC America for this week's episode "Chapter 5:[...]
So imagine our surprise and how thankful we were for the wonderfully ignorant comments Conservative Party MP Nick Fletcher had to say about the BBC's Doctor Who in general and Jodie Whittaker specifically Basically, that casting Whittaker as the Doctor (along with the practice of casting women in what Fletcher considers traditionally male roles) is[...]
Earlier this week, Doctor Who fans learned that the first of Jodie Whittaker and showrunner Chris Chibnall's final three feature-length special episodes before their exits is set as part of the BBC's Christmas and New Year's Eve/Day programming line-up, with New Year's Day the official start of the beginning of the end It was also[...]
Even with two more chapters in Doctor Who: Flux left to go, the BBC confirmed last week that Jodie Whittaker and showrunner Chris Chibnall's final of three special episodes before their exits would be happening during Fall 2022 as part of the upcoming BBC Centenary celebration On Monday, the BBC also confirmed when the first[...]
The BBC released a short compilation video of the latest and most unexpected of them all, played by Jo Martin.
Jodie Whittaker and Jo Martin in "Doctor Who", BBC Studios
The Fugitive Doctor suddenly popped up in Series 12 as a previous reincarnation that the Doctor doesn't remember being She's a result of showrunner Chris Chibnall's tendency[...]
Even with three more episodes left in Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, Yaz (Mandip Gill) & Dan's (John Bishop) adventures in BBC's Doctor Who: Flux, it's hard to not already start thinking about Whittaker and showrunner Chris Chibnall's final run of three special in 2022 to wrap up their run on the long-running show On Wednesday, more[...]
Even with the fourth episode still days away from hitting our screens, is it really ever too early to take a look at where things are headed for Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, Yaz (Mandip Gill) & Dan's (John Bishop)? Well, when we're talking about a sixth & final episode of Series 13 that doesn't appear to[...]
Without giving away too many spoilers, this past weekend's chapter of the BBC's Doctor Who: Flux (check out Rich Johnston's thoughts on "Once, Upon Time" here), Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, Yaz (Mandip Gill) & Dan's (John Bishop) battle with Swarm and the Flux got a big boost (and a whole ton of new questions) with the[...]
That said?
Doctor Who is really just terrible.
Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor, Mandip Gill as Yasmin Khan, John Bishop as Dan – Doctor Who _ Season 13 – Photo Credit: James Pardon/BBC Studios/BBC America
Sorry, Doctor Who Fans
Maybe I am not as into sci-fi as I always thought I was More times than I can count now,[...]
But if you're looking for some clues to the next chapter in Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, Yaz (Mandip Gill) & Dan's (John Bishop) Series 13-long adventure, then look no further (but there will be spoilers in the promo, just to be clear).
Image: Screencaps
Now here's your look at the promo & overview for "Village of the Angels,"[...]
Just because Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, Yaz (Mandip Gill) & Dan (John Bishop) are finding themselves pretty bust over there in Series 13 of the long-running BBC series doesn't mean we can't take a moment from Doctor Who: Flux for a look back at the show's recent history In this case, the spotlight shines on The[...]
There's the 13th Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and fam meeting Rosa Parks and making sure her bus ride goes the way it was supposed to Oh, and the 10th Doctor and Martha revealing the mystery of Agatha Christie's missing week into an encounter with an alien wasp in a murder mystery.
If there's one takeaway from the[...]
After everything that went down during the latest episode of the BBC's Doctor Who: Flux (check out our thoughts on "War of the Sontarans" here), it's actually kinda nice having a week off to process everything and see if we can start piecing the puzzle together (both for Series 13 and to see if there[...]
Nope, what we're here to do is offer you a look at the next round in the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker), Yaz (Mandip Gill), Dan (John Bishop), and Vinder's (Jacob Anderson) face-off with the Doctor's greatest threat yet.
Image: Screencap
And don't forget that we already know the title and overview for the fourth episode of Series 13[...]
There's an awful lot from the 13th Doctor's (Jodie Whittaker) first episode here And the Doctor does a lot more talking and doing than Yaz She just stands there reacting to the Doctor, which might sum up a lot of how the show has treated Yaz so far Yaz went through her first series without[...]
If you think the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker), Yaz (Mandip Gill), and Dan (John Bishop) are having a hard time dealing with all of the "timey-wimey" stuff then you should be here as we try to stay in the here-and-now with this weekend's "Chapter 2: War of the Sontarans" while also reporting on next week's episode "Chapter Three:[...]
So with the first chapter of the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker), Yaz (Mandip Gill), and Dan's (John Bishop) battle with the Flux down and the second one set for this Sunday (and "Chapter Three: Once, Upon Time" set for the following week), we thought we would take a second for an update as well as a[...]
There is no chance of getting bored here.
Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor, Mandip Gill as Yasmin Khan, John Bishop as Dan – "Doctor Who" _ Season 13 – Photo Credit: James Pardon/BBC Studios/BBC America
Characterisation is secondary in the PLOT style of screenwriting Here Chibnall is In his element, throwing all kinds of plot at the[...]
After screening the first episode of the 13th Series, here are my Ten Slightly Late Thoughts on Doctor Who: Flux, "The Halloween Apocalypse."
With only hours to go until Jodie Whittaker (Doctor), Mandip Gill (Yaz), and John Bishop (Dan) hit our screens for the first chapter of the BBC's Doctor Who: Flux, and in honor of today being Halloween, we've got another cool featurette to share to go along with yesterday's "Halloween Challenge" and Whittaker's Q & A about the[...]
With the BBC's Doctor Who: Flux set to premiere on Halloween and after having spent earlier today having a little fun with Jodie Whittaker (Doctor), Mandip Gill (Yaz), and John Bishop (Dan) as they ran through a Halloween challenge and Whittaker took part in a holiday Q & A, it's time for us to take a second[...]
With only a day to go until The Flux begins its Series 13-long plan to take down Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, Mandip Gill's Yaz, and John Bishop's newcomer Dan in the BBC's Doctor Who: Flux, now seems as good of a time as any to take a breather and have a little fun before a wave[...]
With this Sunday bringing the first chapter in The Flux's mission to eliminate Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, Mandip Gill's Yaz, and John Bishop's newcomer Dan, it won't be long until folks start looking past Doctor Who: Flux and towards next year With Whittaker and showrunner Chris Chibnall exiting after three specials in 2022 (with Russell T[...]
Being both Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill's final season as The Doctor and Yaz, it raises hopes amongst 'shippers that we might see at least The 13th Doctor and Yaz as a romantic couple, aka "Thasmin".
"Doctor Who" key art, BBC
"Obviously I wouldn't say [if it was happening]," Gill told the latest issue of The Radio Times in[...]
Doctor Who is back on Halloween with Jodie Whittaker on her final run as the 13th Doctor One 6-episode season this year, then 3 specials in 2022, then that's it She's already filmed the regeneration scene, though she said she never met her replacement since the next Doctor hasn't been officially announced yet and thus[...]
With only days to go until The Flux comes rolling in with Sontarans, Weeping Angels, Ravagers, Cybermen, the Ood, Karvanista (who we have some thoughts on here), and more to make life a living hell for Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, Mandip Gill's Yaz, and John Bishop's newcomer Dan in the BBC's Doctor Who: Flux, viewers are[...]
On Halloween, Jodie Whittaker (The Doctor), Mandip Gill (Yaz), and John Bishop (Dan) are joined by Jacob Anderson's (Game of Thrones) Vinder as Team TARDIS faces its deadliest threat yet when the BBC's Doctor Who: Flux premieres And when the Flux arrives, it's bringing the fight of our heroes' lives to their front doors- and[...]
On Halloween, the BBC's Doctor Who: Flux sees Jodie Whittaker (The Doctor), Mandip Gill (Yaz), and John Bishop's (Dan) Team TARDIS facing their deadliest challenge yet Jacob Anderson's (Game of Thrones) Vinder comes aboard for a storyline spanning all of Series 13 as a threat known as The Flux brings the fight of our heroes'[...]
On October 31st, the BBC's Doctor Who: Flux finds Jodie Whittaker (The Doctor), Mandip Gill (Yaz), and John Bishop's (Dan) Team TARDIS facing their deadliest challenge yet Jacob Anderson's (Game of Thrones) Vinder comes aboard for a storyline spanning all of Series 13 as a threat known as The Flux brings the fight of our[...]