NYCC Archives

Matthew Rosenberg
Sinister are joining Secret Warriors? Those are fun characters. — Matthew Rosenberg (@AshcanPress) September 6, 2017 Now, funnily enough, I was at the X-Men/Inhumans panel at SDCC (called the Marvel ResurrXion panel), and I actually don't recall Rosenberg actually being there at all. Perhaps it was the Secret Empire panel or that Marvel True Believers panel they always[...]
nycc 2017
With about a month to go before one of the largest pop culture conventions in the country opens its doors for its 12th year, fans are clamoring to know which of their favorite television shows will be making the pilgrimage to New York Comic Con 2017 (NYCC 2017) this year. Fox is one of the first[...]
Funko NYCC Exclusive Game Of Thrones Lyanna Mormont
Funko has started to reveal their exclusives for NYCC in October, and they have started off with a bang Hot off last night's finale, we have two exclusives from a little show you may have heard of called Game of Thrones. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption[...]
New York Comic Con To Host Harvey Awards Ceremony Beginning in 2018
The Harvey Awards is one of the most prestigious events within the comic book industry and, on the heels of its 30th anniversary, it appears the ceremony will be taking-up new residence in iconic cartoonist Harvey Kurtzman's hometown. ReedPOP announced today that New York Comic Con (NYCC) will now stand as the new home for the[...]
Jim Starlin On Death, Thanos, Robin, Jack Kirby And Stan Lee
NYCC may have been a few weeks back, but Marvel has just released this video and it's too good not to share This is from the 25th Anniversary Panel for the Infinity Gauntlet… a story that had a major influence on what's going on in the MCU… and the panel was hosted by C M[...]
Bumping Into Steve Dillon At New York Comic Con Dressed As Jesse Custer
The article I was writing was built around my first-time cosplaying at NYCC as Jesse Custer from Preacher, but at no point did I ever expect to meet the legend himself But there he was: Steve Dillon sitting at the HERO Initiative table in Artist's Alley…though I was in such shock that I'm pretty sure[...]
The Surprise Appearance At NYCC
By Joe Glass With thanks to Nico Vasilo for the photo One final surprise of NYCC I only personally discovered on the very last day. Whilst tabling at the LGBT HQ booth, a young man approached and asked me if I knew where the Scruff booth was. "Scruff? Like, the dating app?" "Well, yeah." I had to say, I was surprised[...]
When Carlos Bernard Returns As Tony Almeida In 24: Legacy
Paul Gullas writes, The following contains some minor spoilers for the series premiere of 24: Legacy. "SHOOT HIM AGAIN!" On Saturday afternoon, the NYCC Main Stage auditorium filled with cheers and bloodthirsty hoots of delight, as the audience watched a terrorist getting pumped full of bullets The 24: Legacy panel kicked off with a special screening of[...]
Midnighter Decapitates Your Fragile Masculinity
The man he loves! It's an awesome moment for those who have had their masculinity challenged, not just for who they decide to love, but how they decide to practice that love in the privacy of their own homes. In fact, during a panel at NYCC, writer Steve Orlando mentioned how a fan came up to him[...]
When Paul Cornell Had An Idea That Could Only Work With The Third Doctor Who
He set up shop at NYCC's Artist Alley during the four days of the show, selling prints and blank-covered copies of The Third Doctor for potential sketches. "Thankfully," he said, "I had a pretty strong familiarity with that period of the show already Paul Cornell's script was already very specific about what he wanted Really, it[...]
Body Confidence And Positivity In Cosplay At New York Comic Con
By Ale Bodden Of all the panels I was able to sit through this year I must say this was the panel I ended NYCC still thinking about It was short and sweet, and it hit right in the feels However, all I can think about is designing my cosplay for the next convention I attend[...]
A Personal Perspective On The #BlackComicsMonth Panel At NYCC, With VIDEO
by Ray Flook   When I signed-up to cover #BlackComicsMonth: Diversity/Inclusivity in Comics at this year's New York Comic Con (NYCC), I was going into it with the hope that the panel would do its part in being the final piece I needed to stitch together a post I've had rumbling around in my head for the[...]
Q&A With The People Who Brought You The New York Comic Con
by Ray Flook & Ale Bodden One of the true "hidden gems" of the NYCC programming schedule, the NYCC Team Q&A not only serves as the unofficial end of NYCC 2016 but also as the unofficial start of NYCC 2017 planning ReedPOP head Lance Fensterman, along with team members James McNerney, Fallon Prinzivalli, Kristina Rogers and[...]