peter david Archives

Black Widow Gets a Movie Prelude in Marvel's January Solicitations
Recapping Black Widow's past history in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (spoiler alert: she dies), Peter David and Carlos Villa bring us Marvel's Black Widow Prelude in January, the first of two issues. Check out the solicit below, and Marvel's full January solicitations here. MARVEL'S BLACK WIDOW PRELUDE #1 (of 2) Written by PETER DAVID Penciled by CARLOS VILLA TRACE THE[...]
Speculator Corner: Will Last Avengers Story #2 Beat Spider-Girl #59?
On the back of this, Spider-Girl #59, which featured the first appearance of an earlier son-of-Peter-Parker-and-Mary-Jane-Watson, Ben Parker, has rocketed on eBay  with copies selling for up to $65, with lots of copies sold in the $40 to $60 range, and some people trying to get a hundred bucks each for them. But is there another[...]
Fanboy Rampage: Whose Job Is It To Sell Comics, Anyway?
comics are and should be fun for you. Others have blamed trade-waiters for sealing the fate of quality monthly comics, such as legendary writer and amateur accountant Peter David, who wrote in 2014 on the cancellation of X-Factor: All I did was write a book that got tons of positive write-ups Which I guess is enough to[...]
Peter David to Write Black Widow Movie Prequel?
The comics sometimes adapt the previous films featuring the characters ahead of the new movie, and sometimes create brand-new stories which are treated as canon by the MCU. For the upcoming Black Widow movie, there seem to be changes afoot. And it will be Peter David, of Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man 2099 and Scarlet Spider who will be[...]
Peter David and Dale Keown Return to Incredible Hulk
In this instances, it's Peter David and Dale Keown returning for the Incredible Hulk: Last Call one-shot Like the Wolverine one-shot announced earlier today, this seems to be set in the past as well. Marvel gave the EX-X-XCLUSIVE reveal of this one to CBR as a reward for their ongoing compliance with Marvel's PR department[...]
IDW's Young Picard Stargazes with Fantastic Star Trek: 20/20
Woodward's dreamy painted art eerily serving up a Picard we've never truly seen before. Courtesy IDW Peter David, as always, pens a mighty Star Trek story, with this installment part of IDW's celebration of 20 years in the comics industry The story follows Jean-Luc Picard's decision to personally negotiate a cease-fire on a planet newly admitted to the[...]
Peter David BSG vs BSG #4
Dynamite has sent us a new writer's commentary from Peter David on Battlestar Galactica vs Battlestar Galactica #4 The issue has covers by Adam "Mojo" Lebowitz and by Johnny Desjardins Interiors also by Desjardins. Pages 1-2:  And now we begin to see the start of Kali's plan.  She is endeavoring to make Bill Adama and Saul Tigh suspicious[...]
Jamie Madrox
That man is Peter David, writer of Marvel's Spectacular Spider-Man, who wrote Jamie for years as part of X-Factor. David was asked on Twitter about the status of Miller, a character created in X-Factor who ended the series as Jamie's wife David responded that Miller was "on the farm" with Madrox, who he noted, "is definitely[...]
pull box comics 02/21/18
Creators Peter David and Johnny Desjardins will hopefully impress with this highly-anticipated unison of two worlds. Pumpkinhead #1 cover by Kelley Jones Pumpkinhead #1 Another horror offering from the ever-talented and endlessly busy writer Cullen Bunn, this Dynamite series will bring about a demonic agent of vengeance to hunt down a child-killer protected by a mob family[...]
Marvel Legacy Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #10 Review
That seems like a questionable decision for a comic that's being slapped with the Marvel Legacy label, but at the same time, I get why Peter David may not want to warp his comic to fit the schedule of a corporate initiative. Peter David and Will Sliney teamed up for Spider-Man 2099, too, and Ben Reilly: The[...]
Peter David To Pit Battlestar Galactica '78 Vs Battlestar Galactica '03
Dynamite's fourth NYCC announcement may be their biggest of the show as writer Peter David pens a new crossover series bringing together the classic Battlestar Galactica from 1978 with the Syfy Channel reboot from 2003. In the new Battlestar Galactica miniseries, the discovery of Kali — the last of the reptilian parent race that created the[...]
Spider-Man 2099 #25 Review: A Nice Wrap-Up To A Solid Series
The final irony is that Alchemax has taken her to the newly constructed Blackthorne Prison, which Miguel helped design. As previously stated and you likely already know, this is the final issue of Peter David and Will Sliney's Spider-Man 2099 series It's a series that I have been reading in trades, and it's actually a very[...]
Can There Ever Be Another Comic Book Moment Like Gwen Stacy's Death?
While reading Peter David and Will Sliney's Spider-Man 2099 recently, I found myself wondering something Could there ever be another "Gwen Stacy" moment in modern superhero comics? The collection of Spider-Man 2099 called "Smack to the Future," which takes at the beginning of the All-New, All-Different Marvel reboot, has a scene wherein this Spider-Man's girlfriend, a[...]
After 27 Years, DC Comics To Collect Peter David's Atlantis Chronicles
I'm not sure if Peter David will faint at the news of this But finally, after three decades of requests, DC Comics is to collect The Atlantic Chronicles, his series with artist Esteban Maroto that set a history for Atlantis in the DC Universe, that would birth Aquaman An in-depth historical fantasy, calling it Game Of[...]
Improbable Previews: Spider-Man Battles Rhino, Gets Creative In Clone Conspiracy Omega
We can't guarantee 100% accuracy- in fact, our accuracy may be much lower than that – but we can guarantee that it's better than looking at a bunch of unfinished pages. In this episode of Improbable Previews, we've gotten our hands on two pages from Clone Conspiracy Omega, the aftermath of Marvel's exciting Clone Conspiracy event comic! The[...]
Peter David Is Back On His Feet For Chrismukkah
Peter David's health finally has an up-tick as Kathleen David has told us that he's back on his feet. © Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons We previously let you know about Mr David's issues with his leg, which may have come from somewhere else, it's unclear as yet. However Kathleen David let us know that he's off the[...]
Peter David And Family Need Your Christmas Cheer
We, like many, just found out that Peter David has collapsed in his home. © Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons It looks to be something around his leg, but it's not yet clear as the doctors run lots of tests on him. His wife, Kathleen posted the below tweet on Twitter, and there's more on Right now we[...]
Can Pangea II Make Its $8000 Goal?
Peter David Kevin Dilmore Michael Jan Friedman Robert Greenberger Glenn Hauman Paul Kupperberg Ron Marz Kelly Meding Aaron Rosenberg Lawrence M Schoen Geoffrey Thorne Marie Vibbert And Peter David wrote for Bleeding Cool about the project last month. Kickstarter-wise, they have however appeared to be stuck on just over $5000 of their $8000 goal Are you interested[...]
Peter David, On A Return To Pangea
Peter David writes, The thing with writing is that it is fundamentally a lonely endeavor  Ultimately it comes down to you and your computer (formerly typewriter) putting the words on the page  There's no one else involved, even though many people may try to insert themselves into the creative process after the fact. The great thing about[...]