By Jason Henderson, Drew Edwards, Tony Salvaggio, and Julia Guzman
Bleeding Cool welcomes back The Castle of Horror Podcast tonight, a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a look at horror movies, choosing one movie a week to discuss in depth.
This week continue[...]
podcast Archives
By Joe Cammisa
It's Monday night so it's time for The SML Podcast – Episode 167: Radiation Filled Dungeons here on Bleeding Cool!
Shockingly only one episode of the show this week as we welcome Graham and Chantelle of Radiation Burn to the show!
It's an early morning show as it was 8am for them, midnight for Pappy,[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back We Be Geeks, hosting a variety of guests and covering a wide range of geek topics.
This week on We Be Geeks, the team is all together for this awesome episode!
Deadpool is the topic of the year[...]
By Jason Henderson, Drew Edwards, Tony Salvaggio, and Julia Guzman
Bleeding Cool welcomes back The Castle of Horror Podcast tonight, a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a look at horror movies, choosing one movie a week to discuss in depth.
By Jason Henderson, Drew Edwards, Tony Salvaggio, and Julia Guzman
Bleeding Cool welcomes back The Castle of Horror Podcast tonight, a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a look at horror movies, choosing one movie a week to discuss in depth.
This week we have an Interview[...]
By Jason Henderson, Drew Edwards, Tony Salvaggio, and Julia Guzman
Bleeding Cool welcomes back The Castle of Horror Podcast tonight, a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a look at horror movies, choosing one movie a week to discuss in depth.
They say:
By Jason Henderson, Drew Edwards, Tony Salvaggio, and Julia Guzman
Bleeding Cool welcomes back The Castle of Horror Podcast tonight, a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a look at horror movies, choosing one movie a week to discuss in depth.
They say:
This week we have an[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back the podcast Mighty Marvel Geeks, hosted in part by Mike Ehmcke, who also hosts the podcast We Be Geeks, which runs on Bleeding Cool on the weekends Here they talk about all things Marvel-related, and especially what their top picks are for the Marvel books coming out in the week[...]
By Joe Cammisa
It's time for The SML Podcast here on Bleeding Cool!
Another double episode this week with one dedicated interview episode and one episode of pure insanity!
Episode 157 of the show welcomes Jesse Radonski of Evolve PR [], a public relations firm that works with titles like Dying Light, The Witcher 3, Poly[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back We Be Geeks, hosting a variety of guests and covering a wide range of geek topics.
This was a busy week for the We Be Geeks crew In this episode we discuss the news that the CW network might be removing all of their shows from Netflix to focus on the[...]
By Joe Cammisa
Monday night is here and it's time for The SML Podcast here on Bleeding Cool!
Another double episode this week with one dedicated interview episode and one episode of pure insanity!
Episode 155 of the show welcomes David D'Angelo of Yacht Club Games to discuss Shovel Knight! We talk the initial Kickstarter, living up[...]
By Jason Henderson, Drew Edwards, Tony Salvaggio, and Julia Guzman
Bleeding Cool welcomes back The Castle of Horror Podcast tonight, a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a look at horror movies, choosing one movie a week to discuss in depth.
They say:
By Joe Cammisa
Another double episode this week with two more interviews and fun for all!
Episode 153 of the show welcomes Joe Longoria of and Twitch streamer Shawn "Shizblacka" Paterson to the show as we discuss Joe's game Molly Maggot on the Wii U as well as news bits on Assassin's Creed, Xbox[...]
By Joe Cammisa
By Joe Cammisa
Monday night is here and it's time for The SML Podcast here on Bleeding Cool!
Double episode this week (and I think I somehow forgot to send in Episode 150 last week? If so, go check it on YouTube HERE I was probably drunk or fat or something.) and we've got interviews[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back We Be Geeks, hosting a variety of guests and covering a wide range of geek topics.
WARNING! This episode does contain some explicit language.
This episode starts with the gang discussing Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which Derrick has already seen three times[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back the podcast Mighty Marvel Geeks, hosted in part by Mike Ehmcke, who also hosts the podcast We Be Geeks, which runs on Bleeding Cool on the weekends Here they talk about all things Marvel-related, and especially what their top picks are for the Marvel books coming out in the week[...]
By Joe Cammisa
Monday night is here and it's time for The SML Podcast here on Bleeding Cool!
Last week may go down in history as "The Week of SML" as the crew churned out a whopping five episodes in five days and you get to ignore all of them! Don't worry,[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back We Be Geeks, hosting a variety of guests and covering a wide range of geek topics.
Episode 150 extravaganza This week we join forces with Ken, Kylan, Vicky, and Dawn from Geek Watch One Also the long lost Marty makes an appearance in the festivities[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back We Be Geeks, hosting a variety of guests and covering a wide range of geek topics.
In this episode, the gang starts off by discussing a big reveal on the latest episode of Supergirl. *SPOILER WARNING* With The Force Awakens so close to finally coming out, the discussion quickly turns to all[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back the podcast Mighty Marvel Geeks, hosted in part by Mike Ehmcke, who also hosts the podcast We Be Geeks, which runs on Bleeding Cool on the weekends Here they talk about all things Marvel-related, and especially what their top picks are for the Marvel books coming out in the week[...]
Listen on Stitcher.
Twitter: @castleofhorrorp
What: THE CASTLE OF HORROR PODCAST is a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a weekly look at horror movies, one movie a week, in depth, by fans for fans We talk about movies in sets, from classics to new films and A-list[...]
By Joe Cammisa
Monday night is here and it's time for The SML Podcast here on Bleeding Cool!
Double Episode week as we feature interviews for Knight Squad and Starpoint Gemini 2!
Episode 142 has the crew welcoming Jean Simon Otis of Chainsawsome Games to discuss Xbox One Games with Gold title Knight Squad and all of[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back We Be Geeks, hosting a variety of guests and covering a wide range of geek topics.
Guys are running amok, we talk facial hair, and we also talk Supergirl and what we thought about Red Tornado We talk Hero Box and what came in Mike's Star Wars box[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back the podcast Mighty Marvel Geeks, hosted in part by Mike Ehmcke, who also hosts the podcast We Be Geeks, which runs on Bleeding Cool on the weekends Here they talk about all things Marvel-related, and especially what their top picks are for the Marvel books coming out in the week[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back the podcast Mighty Marvel Geeks, hosted in part by Mike Ehmcke, who also hosts the podcast We Be Geeks, which runs on Bleeding Cool on the weekends Here they talk about all things Marvel-related, and especially what their top picks are for the Marvel books coming out in the week[...]
Bleeding Cool welcomes back We Be Geeks, hosting a variety of guests and covering a wide range of geek topics.
Is it a dream? Is it a mirage? This episode of We Be Geeks features a return appearance by the one and only Julz[...]
By Joe Cammisa
Hope you're enjoying Thanksgiving, becasue it's time for The SML Podcast – Episode 140: ThankSMLgiving Deals here on Bleeding Cool!
Enjoy this early mid-week episode as the SML crew gives you a great way to ignore your family this Thanksgiving and then save money the rest of the weekend!
This week we discuss all[...]
By Jason Henderson, Drew Edwards, Tony Salvaggio, and Julia Guzman
Bleeding Cool welcomes back The Castle of Horror Podcast tonight, a weekly internet radio show where professional writers in the comics, games and book industries take a look at horror movies, choosing one movie a week to discuss in depth.
They say:
This week we have an[...]
Email us at webegeeks (at) webegeeks dot net with any news, questions or comments.
Follow us:
Twitter: @webegeeks, @JulzHendricks, @nesofgeek, @geek_happenings
Facebook: We Be Geeks
Superheroes by day, Podcasters by night! The We Be Geeks Podcast is hosted by Mike Ehmcke (@webegeeks) Along with Julz Hendricks (@JulzHendricks), Derrick Nadeau (@nesofgeek) and Brett Dasilva (@geek_happenings) as Co-Hosts, this podcast is on fire! You can find us on[...]
By Joe Cammisa
Monday night is here and it's time for The SML Podcast – Episode 139: Sawrmonix here on Bleeding Cool!
Last week may not have had an interview, but this week is jam packed as we have FOUR members of Harmonix joining the show!
This week Kris is on a date and Pappy's got BootySplash, so[...]