season 10 Archives

'Archer: 1999": On the Benefits of Not Yelling, 2 Good Looking Heads and CryoFreeze [VIDEO]
Except this time, things are a little different: FXX is leaving the visuals up to our imaginations as we play the part of "audio voyeur": can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Archer | Season 10: Overheard: Yelling Teaser | FXX ( can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Archer | Season 10: Overheard: Two[...]
'Archer: 1999': FXX Sets Facebook Live Aftershow 'Archer After Hours'; Amber Nash, Lucky Yates Host
Jon Benjamin as hard-drinking Captain Sterling Archer; Aisha Tyler as Archer's Co-Captain and short-tempered ex-wife, Lana Kane; Jessica Walter as Archer's mother and ball of energy, Malory Archer; Judy Greer as the eagle-eye fighter pilot, Cheryl/Carol Tunt; Chris Parnell as the attention-seeking First Mate, Cyril Figgis; Nash as the crew's rock monster muscle, Pam Poovey; Adam Reed as the out-of-place-in-space courtesan, Ray Gillette; and Yates as[...]
'Archer: 1999": AI Malory? Robo-Krieger? Rock Monster Pam? Meet This Season's Crew [VIDEO]
Jon Benjamin as hard-drinking Captain Sterling Archer; Aisha Tyler as Archer's Co-Captain and short-tempered ex-wife, Lana Kane; Jessica Walter as Archer's mother and ball of energy, Malory Archer; Judy Greer as the eagle-eye fighter pilot, Cheryl/Carol Tunt; Chris Parnell as the attention-seeking First Mate, Cyril Figgis; Amber Nash as the crew's rock monster muscle, Pam Poovey; Adam Reed as the out-of-place-in-space courtesan, Ray Gillette; and Lucky Yates as the synthetic[...]
'Archer: 1999': Amber Nash Talks Playing Pam, Attending Cons, and More
This time, we hear from cast member extraordinaire Amber Nash (set to play the ship's rocky monster-muscle apparently named (…wait for it…) Pam Poovey). can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Archer | Season 10: You Want Some of This Teaser | FXX ( While the actress wasn't able to discuss specifics on the upcoming season,[...]
'Archer: 1999' - Sterling Owns Up to His Inner-Captain
Probably. Sterling knows who the scapegoat should be if/when things go wrong… Here, viewers are taught a very important lesson in not arousing giant rock monsters… can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Archer | Season 10: You Want Some of This Teaser | FXX ( The series writers have been taking full advantage of the "It's all in Archer's head"[...]
'Archer: 1999' – For Cheryl, It's All About the Big Sacrifices [PREVIEW]
Probably. In this teaser, Sterling knows who the scapegoat should be if/when things go wrong… In this preview, viewers are taught a very important lesson in not arousing giant rock monsters… can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Archer | Season 10: You Want Some of This Teaser | FXX ( The series writers have been taking full advantage of the[...]
'The Walking Dead' Season 10 Begins Shooting This Week!
Speculation over just how much of a role Danai Gurira's Michonne will have this season continues to grow, as does talk of Lauren Cohan's Maggie returning – at least in some capacity… and did we mention that filming starts today??? Yup, that's right: less than a month before Fear the Walking Dead debuts its fifth season,[...]
'Archer: 1999' Preview: Some Advice? Avoid Arousing Giant Rock Monsters [TEASER]
Now we're getting a better look at what fans can expect when The World's Worst Spy Agency (keeping out fingers crossed it gets back to that someday) takes to space to save the day – and cause as much damage as they can in the process – in the following teaser. can't be loaded because[...]
'Archer: 1999' – Jessica Walter, Matt Thompson Talk Tales of "Ranch Tubs" [VIDEO]
Jon Benjamin, Aisha Tyler, Jessica Walter, Judy Greer, Chris Parnell, Amber Nash, and Lucky Yates joined executive producers Matt Thompson and Casey Willis at WonderCon 2019 – and that's where we had two things confirmed for us that we had speculated about for awhile: ● Thompson will never stop feeling awkward over some of the things[...]
AMC's 'The Walking Dead' Renewed for Season 10
With less than a week before the long-running AMC series returns to the network for the second-half of its ninth season, The Walking Dead has officially (no surprise) been renewed for a Season 10: View this post on Instagram. Here's a sneak preview for the series return this Sunday, though subscribers to AMC Premiere are getting a[...]
ECCC '15: Talking To Joe Harris About X-Files Season 11 Comic From IDW
X-Files Season 10 sees its final issues published in June But hot on its heels is X-Files Season 11, also written by Joe Harris I got the chance to ask him some questions… only to see this tweet go out. In the middle of a big interview with Bleeding Cool One of the most fun and[...]
The One Reference That Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 Is Not Making
So last month, Giles was resurrected in Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 I know, spoilers Sorry. And so it continues this month And all sorts of pop culture references are being made Except  to one thing. A bespectacled British boy with glasses casting spells in some kind of mock-Latin? There's mention of Charlie's Angels, Lord Of[...]