If you've spent any time online, there is a decent chance you've seen some set pictures from The Odyssey floating around Director Christopher Nolan and Universe are not doing a very good job of keeping that set closed You would think someone who is such a proponent of the theatrical experience like Nolan wouldn't want people[...]
the odyssey Archives
If you've spent some time on social media in the last couple of days, you have probably seen set photos from The Odyssey It seems that absolutely no one has a lid on that set, which is a shame considering how much value Christopher Nolan puts into the theatrical experience You would think he, above everyone[...]
Did you think production kicking off on The Odyssey meant the casting announcements would stop? Of course, they haven't; Christopher Nolan has decided to hire roughly half of Hollywood, so the names just keep coming Production is currently in Morroc, with set pictures already leaking onto the internet because, of course However, at the moment, we don't know[...]
The cast of The Odyssey continues to grow, which means we can keep making "an epic poem needs an epic cast" comments in articles about it because it's true We have our first bit of casting confirmation in that we know Matt Damon is our leading man We even got an image of him in character, even[...]
Has production on The Odyssey started? Maybe it seemed like the summer was the plan, but this new image released on the official X/Twitter account for the movie seems to imply that things are either very far along in pre-production or they have kicked off There is a chance that this is just pre-production and making[...]
Earlier today, Mia Goth joined the already large and impressive cast of The Odyssey, and Deadline is reporting that three more names have been added to the growing ensemble When you're adapting an epic poem, you need an epic cast, and this is going to be one epic cast This will be one of those movies where,[...]
The cast of The Odyssey continues to grow, proving that when you're adapting an epic poem, you're going to need one epic cast. No one from Universal or Christopher Nolan's camp has said who is playing whom just yet, but the names just keep coming. Earlier this month, we learned that Elliot Page, Himesh Patel, Bill Irwin, and Samantha Morton[...]
The cast of Christopher Nolan's big-screen adaptation of The Odyssey has continued to grow Me thinks this is going to be like the cast of Oppenheimer or like Knives Out, where you start wondering who isn't in the film instead of who is The cast list is already long and impressive, but they've added someone else, according to[...]
The Odyssey is a massive story, so it stands to reason that someone like Nolan, who likes to do as many things practical as possible that we all made jokes about him setting off an actual nuclear bomb for Oppenheimer, would need a budget to match that According to a report by Puck, he will get[...]