Posted in: AEW, Sports, TV | Tagged: aew, dynamite, njpw, wrestling
AEW Dynamite Preview: The Forbidden Door is Open for Tonight's Show
Howdy, folks. The Chadster here, bringing you a preview of tonight's episode of… ugh… AEW Dynamite. The Chadster isn't sure why Bleeding Cool stuck the Chadster with putting together this preview. Don't they know that AEW doesn't need help promoting their show? It's hard enough for The Chadster's beloved WWE to compete in the ratings without this unnecessary promotion from Bleeding Cool. If people don't know about the exciting card Dynamite has set up for tonight, maybe they'll tune into NXT instead?
But The Chadster is nothing if not a hardworking, loyal employee, so when Bleeding Cool says put together the Dynamite preview, The Chadster is gonna do it. So I used Tony Khan's commercial on Impact last night to grab some screencaps. Here's what's happening tonight on AEW Dynamite.
- Darby Allin defends the TNT Championship against Joe Janella on Dynamite tonight
- Chris Jericho and MJ take on The Acclaimed on AEW Dynamite
- Chode Rhodes and Lee Johnson team up to fact Pretty Peter Avalon and Cezar Bonini on Dynamite this week
- Pac will face Ryan Nemeth on AEW Dynamite
- Tony Schiavone will interview Sting again on AEW Dynamite this week
- Leyla Hirsch will take on Thunder Rosa in the first match of the American side of the Women's Championship Eliminator Tourbament
- Kenny Omega and Kent team up to face Jon Moxley and Lance Archer tonight on AEW Dynamite
The Chadster has been entrusted with the most sacred of duties, a duty to garner more clicks for his employers here at Bleeding Cool. But the Chadster can't do that without your help, loyal readers. He needs you to read this paragraph of SEO keyword-rich text that management has asked him to share with you so that the Google gods will see the value in this article. Enjoy.
AEW Dynamite airs weekly on TNT on Wednesdays at 8PM Eastern, going head to head with rival WWE NXT in the Wednesday Night Ratings Wars. AEW bills itself as a pro wrestling made by wrestlers for wrestling fans and has shaken up the industry by scoring big ratings and becoming the first viable competitor to WWE in decades. Bleeding Cool's expert pro wrestling "journalism" team provides weekly recaps and analysis of AEW's weekly TV shows as well as live coverage of quarterly PPV events and nonstop obsession over the Wednesday Night Ratings Wars.