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'Arrow' Recap: "Past Sins" Could Prove Fatal for Oliver [SPOILERS]
Welcome back to Bleeding Cool's recap of the seventh season of the The CW's Arrow, continuing with this week's episode "Past Sins."
Arrow s07e11 'Past Sins': The past comes back to haunt both Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Curtis (Echo Kellum) is upset when he discovers that Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) have restarted The Ghost Initiative with Diaz (guest star Kirk Acevedo), China White (guest star Kelly Hu), Kane Wolfman (guest star Liam Hall) and Carrie Cutter (guest star Amy Gumenick). David Ramsey directed the episode written by Onalee Hunter Hughes & Tonya Kong
ARROW stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, David Ramsey as John Diggle/Spartan, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Echo Kellum as Curtis Holt/Mr. Terrific, Katie Cassidy as Laurel/Black Siren, Rick Gonzalez as Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog, Juliana Harkavy as Dinah Drake/Black Canary, Colton Haynes as Roy Harper, and Kirk Acevedo as Ricardo Diaz
"I Have No Family"
Oliver meets Emiko at Robert's headstone. He wants a chance to prove that he's not like his father. Emiko says that Oliver isn't going to leverage his name in order to get what he wants–not this time–not from her. Oliver appeals to their familial relationship, but Emiko shoots him down. She doesn't have any family left now that her mother is gone.
"There Will Always Be Another Dante"
Lyla and Diggle are putting together Suicide Squad 2.0, attempting to recruit China White, Cupid, and Deathstroke Junior–though none of them are particularly keen on the idea of having a bomb implanted in their heads. Know who else isn't cool with that? Curtis. Curtis tells Diggle that there has to be another way to get the information they need to take down Dante without making moral compromises. Diggle reminds Curtis that he works for ARGUS–and has he not been watching the past seven seasons of this show?
Instead, Curtis puts Diaz through a VR simulation–unbeknownst to Diaz and to us, the viewer (though when Curtis gets his neck snapped in the VR world, it became pretty obvious, pretty quickly that something was up). In the simulation, Diaz thinks that he has freed himself from ARGUS and calls Dante to warn him that ARGUS is coming for him. That's when Curtis–surprise–reveals that Diaz got Punk'd.
Diggle is thrilled with the VR simulation and the potential applications, but not thrilled enough to shut down the Ghost Initiative, at least not until after they nab Dante. Curtis rightly asserts that there'll always be another "Dante" waiting out there. Instead of going along with Diggle or running away, Curtis states that there's a third way for him to handle this. He's not going to be pushed around anymore.
(If you attempt to make a similar stand at your own workplace this week, be sure to let us know how your boss takes your position in the comments below.)
"I'm Coming For You"
Laurel is met at a bar by a drunk named Brett, who says that she's not the perfect D.A. that everyone thinks she is. On Earth-2, Laurel seriously hurt Brett-2's ears. Like, they were ringing for days after she screeched at him. Anyhow, Laurel believes that this Brett is Brett-2 coming for revenge on her after Laurel finds a series of notes stating that someone is stalking and coming for her. Laurel asks Felicity to have Cisco run a check for other Earth-2 people in Star City so she can find Brett.
After another note, Laurel gets tired of waiting for Cisco to do his "sciencey" stuff, Laurel finds Brett outside of a bar and decides she ought to go ahead and just kill him. Felicity pulls Laurel off of him and reminds Laurel that the D.A. can't be seen killing drunks outside of bars for fun. Bad PR. Laurel finally comes clean and tells Felicity that Brett-2 was drunk and killed Quentin-2 in a car accident after Quentin-2 went to go get Laurel a birthday cake that he forgot. Because her last words to her father were "I hate you", Laurel blames herself for killing him.
On the bright side, Brett is in SCPD custody for being drunk in public and has a history of stalking and anti-vigilante violence. Oh, and Brett-2 died years ago. Wait, did I say that was the bright side?
Oliver and Laurel appear on a television interview, where Oliver says that he only wants to protect the city and he's going to do that on the right side of the law from now on. In order to gain back the city's trust, he's going to be totally transparent. Seeing Oliver on TV brings out the villain of the week: Sam Hackett, the son of Robert Queen's bodyguard who Robert murdered on the life raft before committing suicide in order to save Oliver.
When Oliver returned, alive, Sam began to search in earnest for his father again. If Oliver Queen can return from the (presumed) dead, who's to say his father wasn't somewhere in the South China Sea, too? Somehow, Sam managed to get his hands on Oliver's transcripts from his "therapy" with Dr. Parker while in Slabside. When Sam learns the truth, he puts his electrical access and know-how to use. Ultimately, Sam confronts Oliver at the SCPD precinct and tells the officers that if someone doesn't shoot and kill Oliver, then he's going to fry everyone. Oliver keeps Sam distracted while Dinah shoots the electrical box outside the building, rendering Sam's device useless so the officers can arrest him.
Afterward, Oliver goes back on the interview show–after having saved the interviewer from Sam–and lays out the whole story about his father killing Sam's father on the life raft. The interviewer asks why Oliver would share this now, with Oliver saying it's all about his pledge to be transparent. My thought is that it might be because the truth will likely come up in court at Sam's hearing, but let's go with transparency. Moved by Oliver's actions, Emiko says she's entertaining the thought that Oliver might not be the tool she always thought him to be.
Side Note: Rene was not in this episode at all. Not present-day Rene. Not future-Rene. In fact, we didn't have any flash-forward scenes at all.
Now here's a look at next week's 150th episode of the CW's Arrow, "Emerald Archer":
Arrow s07e12 "Emerald Archer": The 150th episode of "Arrow" showcases a documentary entitled "The Hood and the rise of vigilantism" starring Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), and the rest of Team Arrow. As a camera crew follows Oliver and team around to talk about their past as vigilantes and what the Green Arrow means to Star City, Oliver must also deal with William's (guest star Jack Moore) return from boarding school as well as a new threat to the city. The episode will feature "documentary footage" captured by the BTS crew and interviews from those who have worked alongside the Green Arrow. The documentary is narrated by Kelsey Grammer. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Emilio Ortega Aldrich