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My Hero Academia Season 6 Ep. 2 Action Goes Plus Ultra; Mirko Shines
This week's episode of My Hero Academia, "Mirko, the No. 5 Hero," takes off exactly where the last one left off, and it does not slow down at all. This season started, and it has been balls-to-the-wall from moment one. Our heroes are going all out in an effort to gain in on the enemy planning to ambush them. From the animation, effects, and music: every scene and POV cut just seems so grandiose, and we are here for it!
The episode, as the title suggests, focuses on Mirko. And what a nice spotlight it was to see how badass she is. I loved every second of seeing her kick ass and wish we could have gotten more. I am a sucker for strong female heroes that can fight and be funny and do not need to be saved by the shonen lead… ahem… I am looking at you, Naruto- ahem… Anyway, I digress. It was great to finally see Mirko get the spotlight, and also kind of sad it was sort of short at the same time. I mean, she makes it clear she will not go down without putting up a fight. I am not willing to see her go down just yet, though.
While Mirko has found Dr. Garaki, Nomus are now keeping the rest of Endeavor's team busy. Endeavor and Eraserhead seem to be a great team, so much so that the number one hero asks Eraserhead to consider being his sidekick; we get the impression they have had this conversation before. Garaki chooses this moment to let loose of the High-End Nomus— so powerful they even have the capacity to think for themselves, and they are thirsty for some heroes. One even managed to claim one of Mirko's arms during the fight. However, she still manages to get him with close combat skills and her powerful thighs. Thankfully they can all now go all out since the hospital has been fully evacuated.
On Team Edgeshot's end, they are now running to ambush the villain's lair behind the mountains, and we see one already doubts Hawks, thinking he had an eye on him the whole time. In the midst of running, Kaminari starts showing how scared he truly is, and Midnight comes in clutch with some words of advice. He starts thinking about what is important to him, and Jirou comes to his mind… Does this mean he likes her? Awwwww! I thought it was a very sweet moment. It was also very nice to see him get a little moment in the spotlight, able to deviate an attack from the enemy from the front lines.
This season of My Hero Academia already screams war and heartbreak. While I am loving this action, somehow I am starting to feel I will long for the silly days when they were just students of class 1-A. They are growing up, and things have become so grim. From the looks of it, there are oh-so-many vats with purple liquid where Nomus seem to float in. I wonder how many of those are active and might join the fight. But for now, this was another fantastic episode, and I am looking forward to seeing this same energy throughout the season.