Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: ABC, abcstudiostour, agent acrter, agent romanov, agents of shield, black widow, clark gregg, hayley atwell, marvel, Marvel Comics, merchandise
Lack Of Black Widow Merchandise Is 'Unacceptable' Says Clark Gregg And She Deserves Her Own Movie – #ABCStudiosTour
Yesterday, at the #ABCStudiosTour event in London, Hayley Atwell and Clark Gregg were asked about the existence of the show Agent Carter in a world where Black Widow merchandise from the Avengers movie was considerably less than her co-stars.
Atwell, relatively newer to Marvel gave a PR-friendly response, She was very optimistic, seeing the show as a positive step forward mentioning that "I have a doll, she's got a massive head" and telling us that "it's a conversation between the industry and the audience" and that "it's the responsibility of the audience to stand up for what they want." She defined the existence of the Agent Carter TV show as a response to that interest from the audience after her appearance in the first Captain America movie. She also looked to the upcoming Captain Marvel film, stating what a fantastic time it was for female actresses in television, and it is that which moves things forward. It was an optimistic voice that things will get better.
Clark Gregg was a little more on the fearless side, more established in his TV show and Marvel Cinematic Universe, he gave the impression of not really caring what the anyone else might think, telling us, "It's unacceptable, that's the shortest answer I can come up with."
He talked about his own now-13 year old daughter's reluctance to watch the Agents of SHIELD TV show until she got into the character of Skye played by Chloe Bennett. He sees change as the industry and the fans taking two steps together rather than one responding to another.
And Gregg concluded saying "as soon as Agent Romanov gets her own stand alone film, which she deserves, more of that merchandise will be forthcoming."
Black Widow fans, Agent Coulson is on your side…