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"Should I Take My Kid To See Deadpool?"
Deadpool has been rated R in the USA, 15 in the UK and banned in China.
One question I have been asked repeatedly since I ran a review is, is the film suitable for children?
Sorry, sorry, let me back up. The answer, obviously depends upon the child, and parents have good ideas about what their children are able to take. For my kids? Absolutely not! But who am I to judge?
I think the easiest way to say it is, would you be okay with your kids seeing a mash up of Pulp Fiction, Mallrats and The 40 Year Old Virgin?
If yes, sure, they'll be fine. But man…. here's a list of subjects off the top of my head. Spoilers, I suppose.
Violence. So much violence. Repeated gun shots and impact, exploding heads, sword and knife use, impalement, extended torture, immolation, burns, strangulation, repeated pummelling, child killing, shooting in cold blood, encouragement of others to commit murder.
Sex and nudity. A fair bit. Full frontal female nudity scenes in a strip club, back male nudity scenes, sex scenes, including cunnilingus and the use of strap ons.
Language: The F word and MF word fly like bullets. A lot of it is very more inventive, such as calling Colossus a "chrome cockgobbler". Racial swearwords in the rap soundtrack. And the sexual language is insane.
That PG-13 rating that Grace Randolph was fighting for? Wouldn't have lasted much longer than the trailer for X-Men Apocalypse.
This is Deadpool. Come on.
Thanks to Kevin Rubio for the typo fix.