Posted in: AMC, Current News, Editor's Picks TV News, Movies, Recent Updates, TV, Walking Dead | Tagged: amc, andrew lincoln, cable, embargo, embargoed, Father Gabriel, horror, jeffrey dean morgan, mercy, negan, recap, Review, Rick Grimes, robert kirkman, season 8, seth gilliam, streaming, television, terror, The Hilltop, The Kingdom, the saviors, The Walking Dead, tv, TWD, walkers, zombies
The Walking Dead S08E01 Recap: 'You're Gonna' Make Me Count?'
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's weekly recap of AMC's The Walking Dead Season 8, beginning with the season premiere and 100th episode "Mercy"…and what a season premiere it was!
Rick's (Andrew Lincoln) got the band back together and brought a ton of firepower down on Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and The Saviors, making a statement and showing Negan that they have no intention of either bowing or going gently into the night. But a wild animal is the most dangerous when it's wounded, so a wounded, humiliated Negan (sweet move taking that pic, Rick) is a brute force that our heroes haven't had to deal with before now. Looks like Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) is going to be the first one to find out…if either of them is able to make it out of that walker surrounded trailer, that is.
So my overview/recap of the episode is waiting patiently for your eyeballs below, along with some Spare Parts that I picked up along the way that I thought you might find interesting. You can also check out the transcript of my live-blog of the episode here or by clicking the link after the video.
But one quick thing before we get our recap under way…
Just to be clear, this is not a "formal review" — more of a recap/review/stream of consciousness mash-up "monster" all its own — but I will be covering some themes and takeaways involving major and minor plot points from the episode. Just something to keep in mind before watching or re-watching the episode. Definitely not looking to have angry fellow geeks outside my apartment with pitchforks and torches because I slacked off on the spoiler warnings.
You can take a look back at last Sunday's live blog of the Season 8 premiere by clicking here.
Here's a look at The Walking Dead S08E02, "The Damned;" as well as a look at the season ahead:
The Walking Dead Opens As Top-Rated Cable Show For Sixth Year
The Walking Dead Season 8 Ratings: A Mix Of Good, Bad & Unknown
53 Shots And Video Of The Walking Dead Zombie March Through Old London Town…
The Walking Dead Season 8: 100 Episodes, 10 Random Facts
The Walking Dead Season 8: Your Visual Guide To 'All Out War'
The Walking Dead Season 8: Bleeding Cool's Road Map To 'All Out War'