Posted in: Comics, Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, IDW, Image, Marvel Comics, Valiant | Tagged: aftershock, ales kot, battlestar galactica, black panther, Bloodborne, brian michael bendis, bsg vs bsg, christopher priest, Comics, comics for your pull box, cullen bunn, daniel acuna, dark horse comics, david marquez, defenders, doctor strange: damnation, don mcgregor, Donny Cates, idw, image, joe bennett, justice league, ken lashley, Mark Millar, Marvel Comics, mata hari, mike perkins, nick spencer, peter david, reginald hudlin, titan, troy nixey, wonder woman/conan
Comics for Your Pull Box, Week of February 21st, 2018: Alters, Damnation, Bloodborne, and More
This is going up a bit later than intended, but you still have a day to call your LCS and ask them to grab these for you. It's time for the comic books to add to your pull box for February 21st, 2018. Here are the things to snag when you go to your shop tomorrow like the good comic collector you are.
Alters #10
As is often the case, AfterShock has a direct link to my heart, and Alters by Paul Jenkins and Leila Leiz is another high-quality offering from the rising publisher. Featuring a team of lovable and diverse heroes facing real-life troubles that aren't often spotlighted in the comics medium, Alters will likely be remembered as a book well before its time. This issue has the struggle of the newest Alter trying to save her child and is the climactic ending to the "No Damn Name" arc. Be sure to pick this one up.
Mata Hari #1
Dark Horse Comics brings you the story of the infamous spy who said she was a princess, Mata Hari, from the creative team Emma Beeby and Ariel Kristantina. This book promises to be as true as possible look at the life of Mata Hari and the events that led up to her execution. While liberties will almost certainly be taken, this seems like a fascinating book I personally look forward to covering.
Vinegar Teeth #2
Another Dark Horse offering, the first Vinegar Teeth was one of the most phenomenally strange books I've read over the past year. A cynical and hard-bitten police detective is teamed up with a shambling monster with no memory of its own past. It's a quirky noir comedy mixed with a touch of Lovecraft coming from the team of Troy Nixey and Damon Gentry. This is one you have to see to believe.
Justice League #39
Christopher Priest has managed to leave his stamp on Justice League in a short period of time. Writing a book that is a better sequel to Watchmen than even Doomsday Clock, Priest is deconstructing and examining DC's headlining heroes in a way that's not been done in a long time. This time joined by artist Ian Churchill, this is a book you should not miss.
Wonder Woman/Conan #6
The finale to the story that united the Princess of Themyscira and the Cimmerian under the all-star team of Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti, it's hard to argue against the brilliance of uniting these two heroes under the legendary Gail Simone. This promises to be a brilliant conclusion to the story and is certainly worth checking out.
Battlestar Galactica vs Battlestar Galactica #2
The story that unites the two series to the delight of the ever-wonderful Bill Watters, this promises to be an explosive meeting between the Galacticas. Creators Peter David and Johnny Desjardins will hopefully impress with this highly-anticipated unison of two worlds.
Pumpkinhead #1
Another horror offering from the ever-talented and endlessly busy writer Cullen Bunn, this Dynamite series will bring about a demonic agent of vengeance to hunt down a child-killer protected by a mob family. Alongside artists Blacky Shepherd and Kyle Strahm, this looks like it will be Bunn's take on Ghost Rider, which is an enticing idea for sure.
Punk's Not Dead #1
A troubled youth and a punk-rock ghost named Sid. It sounds like a match made in heaven. The troubled youth, named Fergie, must contend with a ghost, his mother, and new abilities. Coming out of IDW's Black Crown imprint, this is one I've been looking forward to if for no other reason than an excuse to reference the Butthole Surfers.
Hit Girl #1
Hit Girls is back to spread her brand of justice around the world. She starts in Columbia, where she is hired to avenge the death of a child on behalf of the mother. Mark Millar returns to write this one, and he's joined by artist Ricardo Lopez Ortiz.
Black Panther Annual #1
This Annual brings back Christopher Priest, Reginald Hudlin, and Donald McGregor back to Black Panther, and they are joined by artists Daniel Acuna, Ken Lashley, and Mike Perkins. This promises to resurrect the high points of T'Challa's history under some of his greatest writers just in time to follow up the Black Panther film. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't personally hyped.
Defenders #10
Because comics that Josh likes must always have short lifespans, this issue will bring about the finale to Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez's incredible take on Defenders. With the Kingpin War reaching its finale, it will be up to the Defenders and their allies to hold New York together. We'll miss you writing for Marvel, Mr. Bendis, but I look forward to your DC work.
Doctor Strange: Damnation #1
The event of Marvel's mystical heroes begins with Damnation #1. The Sorcerer Supreme is attempting to make up for the damage suffered by Las Vegas from the events of Secret Empire (there is no escaping this story), and it brings about the return of Mephisto to the realm of mortals. It will be up to Doctor Strange and his allies to put this hellish genie back in is brimstone bottle. Donny Cates, Nick Spencer, and Rod Reis will be headlining this one.
Ninja-K vs the Valiant Universe #2
While the first issue of this one didn't quite work for me, I can't deny that this is an ambitious undertaking for Valiant. Under blackmail from an old foe, Ninja-K, MI-6's best agent, is being hunted by his allies from around the world. Eliot Rahal and Joe Bennett are helming this project which promises to be interesting if nothing else.
Bloodborne #1
Flattery can get you everywhere with me, and giving a spin-off to one of my all-time favorite games in my preferred medium of storytelling will grab my attention. As such, Titan brings you a Bloodborne comic from creators Ales Kot and Piotr Kowalski. This will take the reader into the dangerous streets of Old Yarnham in this follow-up to the gothic/Lovecraftian horror experience.
* * * * *
That's it for now, and look out on Bleeding Cool for reviews for many of these releases over the next couple of days as well as the rundown of the winners and losers Friday. See you then!