Posted in: Collectibles, Hiya Toys | Tagged: hiya toys, predators
More Predators Go Invisible with New Hiya Toys Figures
Hiya Toys has unleashed more Predators into the hunt as we are taking a look back again at the 2009 film Predators. Two more Predators are using technological advantage as they hunt on their space game preserve. The Berserker and Tracker Predators are here with specialized camo variants. The first is the Active Camouflage Berserker Predator who is shown with colored translucent elements. The hunter will come with an attached arm blade and shoulder cannon. He will also come with a skull and spine accessory to display his victory of the hunt. Next up is the Invisible Tracker Predator, who features a white translucent mold. It does not seem like he will come with extra accessories as it seems his biggest feature is his design. The elongated tusks are a unique design for this Predator and he will be a must have for any collector.
These translucent designs is a very nice way to bring back some classic figures. Predators introduced us to a whole new wave of think about these hunters. While the movie not have been the best, it did show off a lot about there alien species and all the variations. Hiya Toys is extending its line with these translucent designs and I am more of a fan of the colored translucent over the white as it shows more of the sculpting design. Both of these Predator figures are set at PX Exclusives and will be priced at $19.99. They are both set to release in December 2020 and pre-orders are not live yet but you will find them here along with other announced Predator Hiya Toys figures.
- Credit: Hiya Toys
- Credit: Hiya Toys
- Credit: Hiya Toys
- Credit: Hiya Toys
- Credit: Hiya Toys
- Credit: Hiya Toys
- Credit: Hiya Toys
- Credit: Hiya Toys
- Credit: Hiya Toys
"A diverse group of soldiers, mercenaries, and criminals find themselves falling from the sky and landing on a mysterious alien planet. As they team up to unfold the mystery of their circumstances, they find themselves stalked by an invisible killer. Hiya Toys presents its newest releases from Robert Rodriguez's 2010 film Predators. The Active Camouflage and Invisible Tracker Predators feature two of the Super Predators from the film in active cloak mode. This transparent 1:18 scale figure (app. 4" tall) comes complete with two sets of hands, as well as a pegged stand to continue your hunt."