Venoms unite in this adventure, which brings together Spider-Man, Eddie Brock, and Flash Thompson. Is this a reunion worth remembering?
Venom Archives
Venom's war with Kraven the Hunter continues as Kraven receives assistance from the City of New York. With things heating up, does the story stay tense?
We've been collating and compiling some of the fun Marvel Legacy ads that Marvel Comics has been putting out, we had a first nine, we had another eight
Fried Pie Comics is a variant cover sub-brand, featuring variant covers for popular comics by well-known industry artists and exclusively distributed
Kraven the Hunter is after the underground dinosaur people of New York (no, really), and it's up to Venom to protect them. Is it the fight of your dreams?
Today, in Marvel Comics titles, characters are still struggling with the events of Secret Empire - and the legacy it brings with it. Secret Warriors #7
Some early Frankensteining of Marvel Comics'solicitations for January 2018. A new year! A new legacy? RISE OF THE BLACK PANTHER #1 Written by EVAN
We mentioned this at New York Comic Con, but now there's official word. Poison-X, the Venom/X-Men crossover event. And better-looking artwork than our
Amazing Spider-Man #792, the first Venom Inc issue after Venom Inc Alpha #1, was solicited thus: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #792 LEG (W) Dan Slott (A) Ryan
The first of the Marvel Legacy titles have landed, after last week's Zero Week with Marvel Legacy #1 - some with lenticular covers, others with Marvel
With the Venom symbiote attached and her father in the hospital, Spider-Gwen is on a rampage to find the ones responsible. Does it give a good story though?
Venom #154 takes place from the perspective of Eddie Brock’s symbiote, and it's easily one of the best issues of the comic I’ve read.
We take a look at the Marvel Legacy continuation of 'Venom' and what the new arc and return of artist Mark Bagley do for the comic.
The upcoming Marvel Legacy titles will each have an extra three page back-up strip written by Robbie Thompson and (mostly) drawn by Mark Bagley. But while
Venomverse #1, Realm #1, And Metal #2 have sold out at distributor level, so the publishers have to fire up the printing mills one more time!
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool told you the rumour that Venom Inc was a new series by Ryan Stegman featuring the cast of Venomverse. Well, we got some of that
Our source tells us that there will be a new Venom series, helmed by Ryan Stegman, coming this December for Marvel Legacy.
Possible Spoilers: A Venomverse cover featuring a certain character is being denied for retailer exclusivity, indicating he could be the series protagonist.
Artist Mike Hawthorne has revealed plans to redeem Captain America by showing off his designs for the character as part of Marvel's Venomverse.
Science-fiction writer Nnedi Okorafor announced she is writing a new story for Venomverse: War Stories, drawn by Tana Ford — and added a few details.
Venom #153 isn’t a brilliant comic, but it’s a lot of fun. After some of the underwhelming reads this week has brought me, Venom was perfectly satisfying.
Second printings from Image and Marvel coming this August include Snotgirl #6, Shirtless Bear Fighter #2, Edge Of Venomverse #2 and #3, and more.
From the Women of Marvel panel at SDCC: The Spider-Man children's book 'Deck the Malls!' will come to you from MacKenzie Cadenhead and Sean Ryan.
A lot of hoopla and whoop-de-doo has been made by Marvel about how Marvel Legacy will change the comic book industry, but until now, the publisher hasn't
In times like these, when every other Marvel book is tying into an underwhelming and overall depressing crossover story, Venom is a breath of fresh air.
Edge Of Venomverse #1, the beginning of the "everyone is Venom" comic book storyline/event, has gone to second print. Expect it in stores on August 16th.
To tie into the new Edge of Venomverse, the All-New Wolverine / X-23 gets venomized in a new claymation video that promises more.
Rod Lamberti of Rodman Comics, writes weekly for Bleeding Cool. Find previous columns here. On Thursday, June 22nd Marvel’s Joe Taraborelli issued a press
Marvel is telling retailers that seven recent comic books have sold out and will be reprinted, with Marvel second prints copies arriving on 26th July. The
Courtesy of Diamond Comic Distributors, not only do we have the Top 100 Comics chart for May 2017 that we ran yesterday, but the Dollar rank and the Index