Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: congress, dc, politics, Release the Snyder Cut!, robert garcia, superman
DC-Loving Congressman Robert Garcia to Be Sworn in On Constitution, Comic Book, and More
As the Republican majority in the House of Representatives flails in its attempt to elect a House speaker, one member of the opposing caucus is also sticking to his ideological guns. DC-loving Congressman Robert Garcia will apparently be sworn into congress on a vintage copy of Superman #1, according to a tweet by reporter Matt Laslo. Though Laslo doesn't name which congressperson will be sworn in on the comic, we can rest assured it's almost certainly Garcia, who has worn his love of DC Comics on his sleeve throughout his political career and who recently discussed his plans to use his access to the congressional reading room of the Library of Congress to check out classic comics.
Elected as Mayor of Long Beach in 2014, Garcia was the youngest, first openly gay, first Latino, and first Snyderbrony mayor of the city. He used his power to promote pro-DC policies, such as hiding secret DC fanboy messages, in the construction of a new community center and calling for the release of the Synder Cut of Justice League, a version of the 2016 film that restores the vision of director Zack Snyder, who was forced to leave the project due to a personal tragedy. Alleged fake feminist Joss Whedon was brought in to finish Snyder's work, but instead of respecting his vision, Whedon replaced all of Snyder's badass Superman scenes with scenes where Cyborg says "booyah." But Snyderbronies — the colloquial term for hardcore fans of Zack Snyder — successfully campaigned for Warner Bros to release the Snyder Cut on HBO Max in 2021.
Garcia, meanwhile, continued to ascend to national power, winning his election to California's newly redrawn 42nd District. Garcia will represent not just the people of his district but all comic book fans and Snyderbronies, at least in matters related to geek culture, like restoring the Snyderverse. And where regular congresspeople are known for trading money and favors from special interest groups and lobbyists for political influence, Garcia has already been offered bribery of a different kind:
Of course, as a Superman fan who even used a Superman-like logo during his campaign, we're betting Representative Garcia won't be swayed by such offers, nor will he carry his grudges, such as his Twitter spat with Walking Dead mogul Robert Kirkman, into his role as a legislator. If he does, however, we would like to point out that we've been supporting his political career for years here at Bleeding Cool, so we wouldn't be opposed to being awarded some kind of medal or having a national holiday declared for comic book bloggers. Hit us up, Bob!
Though the House of Representatives cannot actually conduct any business until it elects a speaker, Garcia has already begun the most important part of governing as a comic book fan: tweeting snarky memes.
We look forward to seeing what Garcia can do as soon as the House elects a speaker and can actually legislate. Well, assuming that does happen. You never know. If not, at least Garcia can spend his free time reading vintage comics at the Library of Congress.
UPDATE: Garcia provided more details on his swearing in and confirmed that he is indeed the person getting sworn in on a comic book. More specifically, Garcia will be sworn in on a stack of items: the Superman #1, his citizenship certificate, a photo of his late parents, and the Constitution, with the Constitution the primary item on which Garcia will actually place his hand, and the other items underneath.