Posted in: Comics | Tagged: naughty dog, newlitg, the last of us ii
Defending The Last Of Us Part 2 Cast in The Daily LITG 6th July 2020
The world seems like a terrible and strange place sometimes, but at Bleeding Cool you can still read all about comics, TV shows, games, movies. anf now, stage shows. We have also been covering multiple accusations by many people in and around comic books of sexual harassment, grooming and worse. Bleeding Cool EIC Kaitlyn Booth has held the firm line that we don't repeat accusations on Bleeding Cool without the agreement of those making the claims. Sometimes that means we run stories that others do not, sometimes we don't run stories that others do, sometimes we run stories later. The Daily Lying In The Gutters, remains a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead. Including Naughty Dog defending the cast of The Last Of Us Part 2. You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here.
The Last Of Us Part 2 and the ten most read stories on Bleeding Cool yesterday.
It was all about The Last Of Us Part 2 cast getting defended from online abuse by Naughty Dog.
- Naughty Dog Condemns Fan Harassment Towards Cast & Crew
- Booker T Wants a Tessa Blanchard, Charlotte Flair, Brooke Hogan 3-Way
- The Flash, Supergirl, Black Lightning, Stargirl, and Arrow Go Pro-Mask
- DC Comics Ask What Readers Thought Of Supergirl Finale…
- Summer Vibes: The Best Looks From the Marvel Swimsuit Issues
- The New NECA Rhino Alien Figure is Terrifyingly Awesome
- James Bond is Really A Horrible Guy, According to The Novels
- Toy Takeover: Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect Card Back Dinos by Kenner
- Lucifer Star D.B. Woodside Returning for Season 6, Will Direct
- Why Empyre Is Spelled With a Y – And Four Other Major Spoilers
What were people reading, one year ago.
Oh look, more gamers being arseholes. Looks like tjings haven't changed much in a year.
- "Smash Bros." Community Harasses A 15-Year-Old Girl For Beating a Pro
- "The Nevers": Joss Whedon Signals Start on Upcoming HBO Sci-Fi Drama
- The Punisher Has Words For Police Who Use His Skull Logo (#13 Spoilers)
- "The Walking Dead": AMC Issues Statement on Comic Book Ending
- As DC Knocks Back MAD Magazine, Marvel Revives CRAZY
- Doom Slayer Figure Fully Revealed by McFarlane Toys
Comic Book Events happening today.
There would also have been signings, appearances, symposia, all manner of comic book-related events. But a few have gone online, and here are some still happening today, on the Daily LITG.
- ComicSTREAMvasion: Comic Artists Meetup / Comicstammtisch Online, Live Video by Comic Invasion Berlin and RENATE Comics 8-10pm UTC+02
- 2nd Comic Construction att Ryan of Free Lunch Studios is offering a second free virtual Comic Construction Class! All children ages 7-12 are invited to this virtual class, hosted by MWR Subase Nlon, 11am-noon EDT
Comic Book birthdays today.
There may not be much of a party atmosphere right now. All depends on which state you are living in. But comic folk are still getting older and still celebrating that special date. With eleven years for us as well.
- John Byrne, creator of Next Men, Danger Unlimited, Alpha Flight, writer/artist on X-Men, Namor, Fantastic Four, She-Hulk, Wonder Woman, and much more.
- Eric Fein, writer/editor for Marvel Comics on Spider-Man.
- Michael Tierney, creator of Wild Stars, owner of The Comic Book Store and Collector's Edition in Little Rock.
- Katherine Collins, cartoonist, creator of Neil The Horse.
- Tony Franco, cartoonist on Marvel Star Line, creator of Liberteria strip.
- Christy Marx, creator of Sisterhood of Steel, writer on Conan, Red Sonja, and Elfquest.
- Joe Zabel, artist on American Splendor.
- Chuck Fiala, artist on Stanley And His Monster, Bugs Bunny, Cool World, Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters.
- Stan Timmons, artist on Alien Nation.
- Louis Paradis, comics creator on Titanic, Sextant, Bambou, Jet.
- Terry Mayo, writer and creator of The Wicked Righteous.
- Lance Roger Axt, creator of Titanium Rain.
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Interested in more discussion about DC Comics masking up, The Last Of Us Part 2, or what this all means? Subscribe to our LitG Daily Mailing List. And we'll see you here tomorrow.