Posted in: Comics | Tagged: burbank, Comics, dc, geoff johns, west coast
Gatecrash An Architect Visit To DC Comics' West Coast Offices
Okay, seriously now, I want Los Angeles-based Bleeding Cool readers to apply for this, take photos, and see if you can spot any of the folk from this article.
The American Institute Of Architects are arranging a tour of the DC Entertainment offices in the Warner Bros Burbank lot at the end of the month. But it's available both for members.. and non members.
You know, like you.
It's free, all you have to do is RSVP to James O'Neill, co-chair of AIA|LA Interiors Program Committee. Ph and there are complimentary cocktails.
Hello James, I think you are about to make a lot of new e-mail friends.
Warner Bros. DC Entertainment Inc. Tour
Date: Tuesday October 25th, 2011
Time: 6 PM – 8 PM
Location: The Pointe – 2900 W. Alameda, 2nd Floor, Burbank, CA 91505
Details: Tour followed by Cocktails/NetworkingDC Entertainment Inc. (DCE) is a multi-media company that is driven by comics, most notably Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and the hundreds of other heroes and villains that make up the DC Universe. Their work is integrating these characters more fully across Warner Bros. content through movies, television, publishing, internet, gaming, and merchandise.
DCE is a dynamic group unlike other corporate units within Warner Bros. Banding together groups from New York, La Jolla, and Burbank, DCE yearned for a dynamic new space with a sense of creativity and excitement, where comic characters are both aspirational and inspirational.
DCE's new space was designed by the highly published firm Beckson Design Associates. In working closely with Warner Bros. Corporate Real Estate and DC Entertainment, Beckson Design Associates created a space inspired by, not derived by, comic book characters. The new space has become a sanctum for the talented DCE team as they embark on the launch of their "New 52", a complete revisioning of the DC Universe.
This tour is open to AIA members and Non members.