Posted in: Comics | Tagged: dan slott, HRL, jason aaron, jonathan hickman, legacy, marvel, marvel legacy, shield, tom brevoort
Jonathan Hickman Returning To Marvel "Sooner Than You Think," Says Tom Brevoort
Unfortunately, it's just for those final two issues of S.H.I.E.L.D. that were never published.
Marvel Executive Vice President Of Never Answering The Goddamn Question Tom Brevoort appeared in an interview with today to deftly avoid giving a straight answer to any questions the website asked him.
One of those was a question about when Jonathan Hickman is returning to the Marvel Universe, which Brevoort answered by saying, "We just got his final dialogue in for those last two S.H.I.E.L.D. issues, so sooner than you'd think!" In another exchange, when asked if creative teams on Marvel Legacy books would be on those books for the long haul, Brevoort responded by saying that "barring the vicissitudes of fate and business, the creators doing these various titles should be there regularly — though not necessarily the same 'regularly' in every case." Brevoort elaborated that some creators would cycle out while others would stay longer, and that Dan Slott and Jason Aaron aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
When asked how the line-wide Marvel Legacy relaunch featuring the return of legacy numbers, lenticular variants, and the shocking returns of several dead characters would help to capture new readers and bring back lapsed ones, Brevoort claimed that Marvel would do it "the same way we always do, by telling excellent, compelling stories that reflect the complexity and majesty of the Marvel Universe as well as the world outside your window." No gimmicks here in this lenticular variant line-wide dead character rebirth legacy numbered not-a-reboot relaunch, folks!
Read the full interview at, if you so desire. Marvel Legacy #1 is in stores this week. Read the spoilers here, if you dare.