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Kyle Baker To Revive Static Shock For DC Comics Milestone, Launching In The Spring Of 2018
Every year or so, DC Comics announces they are bringing back Milestone, the diverse comics publishing line that proved such a success for them in the nineties. And then we don't hear anything about it for an age.
Well, now we have heard a little bit more. DC has announced the return of the Dakota Milestone universe and the launch of Earth M, the reality in which the series of titles will take place.
And that legendary comics creator Kyle Baker will be working on the new revival of Static Shock. Also on the books are Denys Cowan, Derek Dingle, Alice Randall, Jim Lee, Greg Pak and Reginald Hudlin… but still no sign of co-founder and co-creator Michael Davis. And co-founder Dwayne McDuffie's widow, Charlotte McDuffie, is continuing her case against the publisher for cutting Dwayne's estate out.
Well, we now have a date as well for the first title. Milestone #1 launching in the spring by Reginald Hudlin & Denys Cowan and Ken Lashley starring Icon and Rocket