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More Today On Amanda Waller, Zur-En-Arrh & Brainiac Queen (Spoilers)

Today sees Action Comics #1065,  Suicide Squad Dream Team #3 and Green Lantern #11, as Amanda Waller insists she is the good guy.

Article Summary

  • Amanda Waller plays 'good guy' amid interlinked DC Comics issues.
  • Zur-En-Arrh's tech possibly key to Waller's pursuit of power.
  • Battle lines drawn with Brainiac's plans for a Czarnian army.
  • Brainiac Queen arises, drawing heroes into galaxy-spanning conflicts.

Today sees the publication of Action Comics #1065,  Suicide Squad Dream Team #3 and Green Lantern #11, and they all have aspects tied in together, and beyond towards Absolute Power. As Amanda Waller insists she is the good guy…

House Of Brainiac

… even as, in Suicide Squad Dream Team #3, she is reading the Amazo robot guard designs by Zur-En-Arrh, which will host multi-dimensional versions of Batman's backup personalities.

House Of Brainiac

In Green Lantern #11, Guy Gardner is hunting down Lobo… even if it is not Lobo.

House Of Brainiac

While in Action Comcis, we see the actual Lobo fighting alongside Superman against Brainiac's Czarnian Army, definitely using words like that.

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And there's plenty of that from plenty a Czarnian as a certain child of Brainiac also makes it onto the scene.

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And totally doxxes the Czarnians. All as Brainiac brings back a city from a long destroyed planet, courtesy of one of his many bottles.

House Of Brainiac

From his homeworld of Colu. And he has plans for it, big ones, for someone at least.

House Of Brainiac

A kingdom for a Queen, his new planned form as Queen Brainiac. And he's gathering folk  – and powers – from all over, it seems to create her.

House Of Brainiac

Working with Lex Luthor as well.

House Of Brainiac

Although Luthor has his own narrative going on.

House Of Brainiac

Why Czarnians? Well, they do have immortality as part of their genetic makeup, able to heal from a drop of blood, creating duplicates of themselves. Or they could once, at least.House Of Brainiac

Which is why he might even want a fake Lobo over in Green Lantern.

House Of Brainiac

And it seems he has been taking the Czarnians all over the galaxy looking for superpowered planets.

House Of Brainiac

… and just taking what they can.

House Of Brainiac

So it's definitely not just Earth. But its an ill wind that blows no Amanda Waller any good. Even if Amanda Waller, killed Brainiac once. Well, one version of him.

House Of Brainiac

But does Brainiac have a more altruistic plan? Will the Bad Guy Have A Point?

House Of Brainiac

I mean, he's not overly find of Lex Luthor, who he has put to work, until that work is done.

House Of Brainiac

And there's even a father-son moment that suggests what Brainiac is really looking for.

House Of Brainiac

Is he going to give Vril Doz a new mother in the Brainiac Queen?

House Of Brainiac

Unless he is already planning to use an existing one…

House Of Brainiac

Dreamer knows the future with Amanda Waller…

House Of Brainiac

As well as the past…

Moire On Amanda Waller, Zur-En-Arrh & Brainiac Queen (Spoilers)

As Free Comic Book Day revealed that she was going for Brainiac's power absorption technology with Zur-En-Arrh…

Moire On Amanda Waller, Zur-En-Arrh & Brainiac Queen (Spoilers)

…as well as what that will mean for everyone…

Moire On Amanda Waller, Zur-En-Arrh & Brainiac Queen (Spoilers)

Absolute power? More like an absolute shower, Terry Thomas style…

(W) Joshua Williamson (A/CA) Rafa Sandoval
HOUSE OF BRAINIAC PART THREE Superman and Lobo have their hands full with Brainiac's Lobo army, so it's up to Supergirl and Conner Kent to stop Brainiac himself! It's an impossible battle, but they are joined by some unexpected and deadly allies! Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 05/14/2024

(W) Jeremy Adams (A) Xermanico, Kevin Maguire (CA) Xermanico
HOUSE OF BRAINIAC TIE-IN! How do you move on from the person you've loved your entire life? How do you start over? Carol wrestles with her feelings as she makes a choice that will change her and Hal's lives forever. Meanwhile, Hal faces off against the United Planets, hoping to bring to light its corrupt members and reestablish the Green Lantern Corps once and for all! Plus, Guy Gardner has caught his man…or has he? Things go from bad to worse to exponentially strange as Guy attempts to get his prisoner and himself back to Oa in one piece! Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 05/14/2024

(W) Nicole Maines (A/CA) Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira
No one just gets out from under the thumb of Amanda Waller, and it's looking like Dreamer is no exception! But a surprise pair of allies decide to risk it all and play hero, helping Dreamer escape Waller's clutches…now they just have to escape the plane they're stuck in and prevent a bloody assault on Gamorra. Should be easy, right? Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 05/14/2024

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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