James Serafino sells the rights to his first comic, Time Traveling Dinosaurs, to Chronicle Books, for publication in 2028.
Posted in: Comics, Crisis, DC Comics | Tagged: dark crisis, dc comics, gossip, spoilers
Nine Pieces Of Dark Crisis Gossip (Spoilers, Obviously)
Dark Crisis is coming, the solicits run below, previews of Dark Crisis #1 abound, and DC Comics wants you to know all about what's going down in the crossover event. So what else can Bleeding Cool tell you?
We already told you about the makeup of the new Justice League (temporary as it may be) as well as the return of The Mighty Endowed. But how does the Shadow War tie in? What about Flashpoint Beyond? And what about Nightwing? Spoilers going forward…
- The lack of a League means all sorts of villains with bad names are popping up, in Gotham, in Star City, under the seas, in Metropolis; power abhors the vacuum. But what about those villains who wanted to be caught? What do they do now? There is a new Secret Society Of Super-Villains far bigger than those before…
- Not including Deathstroke, however. He may have been killed by Talia Al Ghul in today's Shadow War, but he'll be back. He's at that vigil after all, but after a trip to the Lazarus Pits, it appears he has a contract, from somewhere beyond, to kill… everyone. How nihilistic. And he's starting with the Titans.
- The Psycho-Pirate is hiding out from the Dark Crisis in the world of Flashpoint Beyond. I'm not entirely sure he's safer there. But is he even the real Roger Hayden?
- If Pariah brings back enough of a Multiverse, will that include his family? Is Machine powered by the very Justice Leaguers he stripped the life from, living out their own worlds, like Earth-Flash? But then Pariah is like all the others…
- The Justice League are dead. But Dick Grayson and Jonathan Kent are finding it hard to believe they have been here before. Which is why Dick Grayson isn't interested in starting a new Justice League from Jonathan Kent. Neither are Yara Flor or Jace Fox. And Dick is also not happy with Young Justice holding vigils. Even though he'll have to speak at it.
- We mentioned the new Justice League. But how long will they last? Black Adam only wants Nightwing to lead it. Will the attack on Titans see him step up?
- And can Beast Boy survive a shot to the head at point-blank range? How much can he shapeshift anyway?
- Young Justice may go back to the comfort of the nineties to fight The Mighty Endowed, to hide from the present-day reality. But how many Cassie Sandsmark do they need?
- Which world has an Allen Tower with Allen Tech? And who will be driving the Flashmobile in a Mad Max-style world? And will that mean Mad Max Mercury as he joins the Flash squad?

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