Posted in: Comics, DC Comics, Review | Tagged: dc, poison ivy
Poison Ivy #1 Review: The Past Ain't Through With Us
Poison Ivy #1 features Pamela Isley as an eco-terrorist. The premise isn't new, though G. Willow Wilson and the team (artist Marcio Takara, colorist Arif Prianto, and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou) create a lush enough vision that makes it look like no one's tried it before. Isley's aim: Spread a mushroom (??) based disease across the United States as quickly and efficiently as she can before the Bat-Family or Swamp Thing catches up with her.
Isley's dying of the same disease and Wilson's dialogue in that vein is magnetic. The highlight of the issue is the sequence where Takara and Prianto are given a page to render Isley through a psilocybin haze. On that page, Isley looks like an armored death knight, powerful and imposing.
Admittedly, there are a lot of backstories that went over my head, but Wilson makes it easy to follow along. The team makes a compelling first issue and breathes life into a tough character to imagine. Where it goes from here, only the team knows, but the premise makes the return of the rest of Gotham feel like a threat or a famous sword looming over Poison Ivy's head. Time will eventually run out, but until then, let's see how far she can get.
Pamela Isley has been a lot of things in her life. A living god, a super-villain, an activist, a scientist, and dead. In a new body that she didn't ask for and with a renewed sense of purpose, Ivy leaves Gotham and sets out to complete her greatest work-a gift to the world that will heal the damage dealt to it…by ending humanity. Spinning out of the pages of Batman, DC is proud to present the unbelievable next chapter in Poison Ivy's life by the incredible creative team of G. Willow Wilson and Marcio Takara. Featuring a stunning cast of variant cover artists, including Warren Louw, Frank Cho, Dan Mora, Nick Robles…and introducing main cover artist Jessica Fong!