Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, dc comics, donuts, entertainment, ethan van sciver, Jim Chung, marv wolfman, Marvel Comics, neal adams, Paco Diaz, Sam Ellis, Wizard World Philadelphia 2014
Bleeding Cool Gives Creators Delicious Donuts At Wizard World Philly – What Did They Choose?
By Jared Cornelius
If you've never been to Reading Terminal in Philadelphia it's one of my favorite places in the city. It's essentially a market/restaurant right next door to the convention center that has anything you could want. Fresh juice smoothies, they got it. Frog legs, they got it. Delicious roast pork sandwiches, they got it. So as I meandered thought the market Beiler's Bakery caught my eye, not just because of the huge line, but the sight of their freshly prepared donuts. I love donuts, I mean who doesn't love donuts? Just like that Beiler's Bakery became my muse for the morning with Bleeding Cool's least controversial feature ever, Bleeding Cool Gives Creators Donuts.
Our selection of donuts included, chocolate and vanilla M&M's, salted caramel, strawberry crème, Boston crème, Fruity Pebbles, and peanut butter. My first stop was to Sam Ellis who was the lead designer on Archer and does work with the Adventure Time and Bravest Warriors license. I was so pleased with how Ellis and I got along that I wanted to offer him first choice.
Ellis chose the delicious looking salted caramel, and was gracious enough to pose with his sugary treat.
My next stop was to Ethan Van Sciver, but he very politely declined as did his wife and son. I could see desire for my delicious delights, but he told me he's on a diet. Fortunately legendary Teen Titans scribe Marv Wolfman was right around the corner! Wolfman was more than happy to take a donut, choosing a peanut butter crème, he also had his daughter Jessica in tow who also graciously accepted a donut.
Wolfman had his booth situated next to Wonder Woman and X-Men artist Paco Diaz and Catwoman and Gotham City Sirens artist Guillem March, I introduced myself to both men who were very polite. Diaz was happy to take a donut, March told me that he'd like a donut, but was sketching and didn't want sticky fingers. He told me he took one in spirit and thanked me for the offer. As I'm walking around of the floor an incredible amount of people are checking out my box of donuts with lust in their eyes. I was accompanied by my beautiful fiancé as well, and I think more people were eyeballing those donuts than her. Cosplayers, fans, moms, dads, they were some sought after donuts.
Walking through the show floor I couldn't believe I missed the great Neal Adams of Batman fame on Friday, I introduce myself and Adams is as friendly as could be. He asks me what I've been covering and writing about and is genuinely interested. I tell Adams that I'm doing Bleeding Cool's least controversial feature, Bleeding Cool Gives Creators Donuts. Adams looked both surprised and joyous as I open the box, Adams went right for a Boston crème and grabs a strawberry crème for his wife and helper Marilyn. We talk for a few minutes about the Kirby Supreme Court case, which Adams was incredibly knowledgeable.
Now running low on donuts I approach Avengers vs. X-Men's Jim Chung. Again I introduce myself and offer Chung a donut which he politely declines.
I decide to double back and end up at Ellis's booth again and like a carnival barker offer my few last donuts to the passersby. Some look at me skeptically, I'm sure some people think I may poison them. But the allure of my donuts are too much and they're quickly gone. I'd again like to thank the wonderful creators that took time to speak with me, and I hoped they enjoyed the donuts. I'd just like to say that other creators were offered donuts, but declined because of my association with Bleeding Cool. I hold no ill will for them, but they're only punishing themselves not getting a free donut.
Jared Cornelius is some guy from New Jersey's coast who loves him some baked goods, if you'd like to let him know your favorite flavor of donut, contact him on Twitter @John_Laryngitis