Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, cookies, Einhorn's Epic Cookies, entertainment, mini comics, unicorns
Opening A Box Of Deliciousness And Unicorn Comics From Einhorn's Epic Cookies
When I opened a square brown box that I picked up from the post office this week, I really didn't know what to expect, but inside I found a logo for "Einhorn's Epic Cookies" peeping out at me.
You don't have to sell me too hard on cookies at Christmas, but I did wonder what this all had to do with comics. Pulling out the carton, I found that this actually has everything to do with comics, and also with deliciousness.
Einhorn's Epic Cookies have taken a unique trajectory into packaging mini-comics with their large cookies inside neatly designed foil packages, and the tie-in is fairly intricate. Each flavor of cookie is attached to a unicorn character, and each character is featured in a particular mini-comic. Now the comic you find with each cookie is random, however, making them collectible in blind-box fashion.
My box was extra-special, though, in that it also came with a complete set of comics, 6 in number, and meta-material in a box detailing character profiles.
The comics are rather attractive, to start with. They are lively, enjoyable, colorful, and do start that collecting urge upon sight.
But moving onto the deliciousness, the flavors for the cookies are also unique, definitely edgy combinations, including things like rice crispies, and even BACON. You heard me. There is bacon included.
So, the way this works is that a retailer who stocks the cookie/comic packs has them on display, shoppers pick one up to satisfy their urges for both cookies and comics, and come back for more based on the rather winning flavor combinations and the sparky comic themes as well. These are badass unicorns, after all.
I can easily see these being successful in comic shops and beyond. In fact, I mentioned the whole concept and product to a retailer, and he asked me to bring in the material so he could learn more.
The cookies, by the way, are also free from preservatives, large, and rather satisfying. It's a win-win for a company that clearly has a passion for both baked goods and comic art. Here's hoping you'll see some Einhorn Epic Cookie packs in the wild soon. I doubt you'll be able to resist trying them, and then, wanting to sample them all, you'll be hooked.
It's a simple combination that's been handled with care. There are the cookies:
Nom, nom. And there are the comics:
Equally nom, nom. And all-ages appropriate as well. Might even keep people hanging out in comic shops longer, munching and reading.
You can find out more about Einhorn's Epic Cookies here.