Posted in: Recent Updates | Tagged: action comics, blue beetle, Captain Atom, DC Universe Presents, grant morrison, grifter, jli, justice league international, keith giffen, rob liefeld, savage hawkman, tony daniels, voodoo
Rob Liefeld Leaves Grifter – Will January Bring The DC Fourth Wave?
I really rather enjoyed today's Grifter #12. But it is one of the lower selling DC New 52 books.
Rob Liefeld tweeted;
As much as I love doing a bunch of books at DC, I'll be saying goodbye to Grifter with the December issue, #16. Fun ride tho.
He's staying on Deathstroke and Savage Hawkman… but I was told by DC sources that Rob was considered the last, best chance for these books and that if he left, they would be cancelled. Will Grifter be cancelled with #16? With changes across the line perhaps?
Grant Morrison is also leaving Action Comics with the December issue, #16, though they are hardly cancelling that book. But it might point to a sea change for the line, with poor performing books cancelled, new books begun, and creators departing and being appointed, for the beginning of 2013.
Maybe there could be room for Tony Daniels' new project – and a handy New York Comic Con to announce it from. I also understand there is a new Keith Giffen project in the works.
Aside from the already cancelled Captain Atom, Justice League International, Voodoo and Resurrection Man, the lowest selling titles are Grifter, DC Universe Presents, Blue Beetle and Fury Of Firestorm before you get to the still-surviving-into-2013 Savage Hawkman. Four titles were chopped last time, could four titles be chopped again?