Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: boom studios, Comics, entertainment, Feathers 2, Jorge Corona
Sammie Reads – Why You Should Try New Comics, Like Feathers #2
By Sammie Rice
Greetings, faithful readers!
It feels like it has been a millennia since we have been able to properly gush about some of our favorite weekly titles! Fear not, you no longer must wait another painful moment because we are about to journey into this weeks' rad reads (unintentional alliteration but dang, that sounds so good I might have to make Rad Reads a thing).
If you're like me, you know what to expect when you walk into your favorite comic book store. You grab your pull list from the helpful employees and you mindlessly peruse the new releases rack. Sometimes a colorful cover will catch your eye and you'll give it the old "flip-through" then set it back on the shelf, unimpressed. You feel safe with your selections because they are all characters you know. Trust me when I say I have been there.
But over the last two years I have made an intentional effort to do some prior research on creators/writers/artists and read up on summaries for upcoming and new titles. I have found so many incredible books that I am absolutely in love with all because I took a chance on something I would have otherwise skipped over for a silly reason like not recognizing anyone on the creative team. I say all this to really encourage you to step outside the boundaries you've set for yourself. Explore new titles. Discover new people. You never know what's out there until you start looking.
I'll get off my soapbox (phew, that was uncomfortable) and continue with the rest of the column. Just a friendly PSA from an internet weirdo who wants you to discover all the great things the comic world has to offer!
This week I had the incredible privilege of reading Feathers #2 by writer and artist Jorge Corona. This comic just keeps getting better and better. I'm completely in love with the entire idea of the book and the fact that it's for all ages practically sells itself. In case you aren't already familiar with it, here is where you can read a brief synopsis.
Issue #2 starts off fast-paced and exciting as Poe and Bianca escape one threat after the other. We start to get closer to understanding what exactly Poe is as the origins of the mysterious "Maze" are revealed. The dialogue is natural and flows effortlessly from one panel to the next. I never had to reread anything from lack of understanding since Corona does such an impeccable job of addressing what's happening as each scene unravels.
I love the relationship between the action of the characters and where they are placed in the panel, often times crossing over each other. Here is a fantastic example:
Between the moments of wide smiles and silent giggles, there is a deeper story riddled with tragedy yet sprinkled with hope. There are small, almost quick, exchanges between characters that actually make you wonder about the important messages behind this adorable series. Themes such as loneliness and loss are explored in ways that even a small child could understand.
Besides being incredibly well drawn, Corona brings vibrant life to each character with every expression and position he gives them. Honestly, though, have you seen a more cute, winged, feather creature? Poe, you have won my heart.
I certainly look forward to future issues and I sincerely hope you pick up the first two issues of this thoughtful series. Make sure to give Corona lots of Internet hugs for creating such an enjoyable comic book.
That's all I have for you this week, friends. What did you think about this weeks' new releases? Are you going to check out any new books? Let's chat about it!
Sammie Reads is a Florida comic book store employee who loves to take long strolls through the park in pterodactyl-free zones. She loves the comic book community with 90% of her whole being. The last 10% are reserved for her cute fiancée, fellow Valkyries and delicious nachos. You can find her raving about her favorite things on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram (And now Youtube!): @SammieReads