Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: all new x-men, animal man, avengers, earth 2, epic kill, hellboy, hit girl, mudman, new avengers, secret avengers, snapshot, superior spider-man, swamp thing, youngblood
Thirteen Thoughts About Fourteen Comics – New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Hit Girl, Avengers, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Earth 2, Snapshot, All New X-Men, Superior Spider-Man, Hellboy, Youngblood, Epic Kill and Mudman
New Avengers #3 is full of lots of important Marvel Universe moments that will no doubt have implications for stories across the next year. But it also has a rare Doctor Strange moment using his earlier skill as an actual medical doctor…
The final issue of this iteration of Secret Avengers shows odd Buddy Scalera's tricks as a rougher, more fluid, John Romita Jr…
In Avengers, Tony Stark does what Bleeding Cool has been doing these last few weeks and works out the alien language code, and name Adam as "Blackveil". Now I have a "V" to add to my collection. Hang on though…. I though his given name was Adam.
And, so, this is how Nicolas Cage will appear in the Kick Ass 2 movie, apparently. As a Hit Girl hallucination, giving her the inspiration and drive to do the impossible. Maybe she's just read too much Preacher.
As both Animal Man..
…and Swamp Thing come to the end of Rotworld (still not finished though, despite the "Finale" cover lines, Swamp Thing takes to the skies again. I do hope he keeps the wings once the Big Red (or Green) Reset Button is pressed.
We get a new member of the Justice Society in Earth 2… or is it a new Black King?
Yes, as some have noted, this is a rather out of date observation about comic book stores, as they now get advance shipping. But then Snapshot is actually a reprint and was originally published in Judge Dredd Magazine..
Seriously, this is probably the worst disguise in comic books ever. All New X-Men is, however, one of the best superhero comics right now. If you can get past this.
Looks like Doctor Octopus was getting bashed around a lot, well before he met Spider-Man…
And Hellboy has his own daddy issues to deal with.
Yup, that look's like Bleeding Cool's Dr Manolis Vamvounis on writing duties, all right, on Youngblood.
While Epic Kill, already famed for its over the top moments gives a completely unbelievable survival from a fall from an aeroplane… until the next one a few pages later.
And in Mud Man, Paul Grist yet again shows us why he is the king of page layout and storytelling in comic books (now that Dave Sim has switched careers to a full time scanner operator). Some of the most interesting, innovative and downright addictive comic book work, in a much ignored comic from Image. Why not pick it up today?
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London.