Posted in: Comics, Speculator Corner | Tagged: animal man, batgirl, dc, detective comics, justice league, justice league dark, justice league international, new 52, stormwatch
Speculator Corner: Bottoming Out On The DCU New 52
When DC took the reins of the top slot on the sales charts for the first time in years due to the launch of the New 52, they also took over the back issue market, with sellouts across the board causing a massive rise in prices across the line. How are those prices holding up though as we wind down the third month of the DCnU?
With rare exceptions, not so well.
One of those rare exceptions happens to be Animal Man #1, which continues to sell well online. One this morning went for $12.50, with three sales yesterday ranging from $8.50 to $17.00. Over the past week, the average appears to be around $10, around where we reported it was at the end of last month, and still quite impressive.
While the first printings of Justice League #1 have been coming down in price, the second printing continues to command high prices. While sales of the second printing of #1 have been rare, as is the comic, the ones that do sell are going for at least $14, including this sale yesterday for $16. Third printings, however, hold little value, with the overwhelming majority of sales of late going for cover price or less.
The International edition of the League is not doing so well, however, with multiple sales over the last two days at cover price of late, and the same too with Justice League Dark #1. One international team that is doing well is Stormwatch, with sales of Stormwatch #1 going for $9.99 and $7.39 in two sales over the past week.
As Rich reported last month, Batgirl #1 had hit a high of $6 but was coming back down. There were three sales over the weekend for $5, but there were multiples sales where the final tally was cover price or less, including one that sold on Thanksgiving for $1, and one yesterday for $2.
Sales for Detective Comics #1 have been all over the place this past week. There have been two sales over the weekend for $5, one for $9, two sales for $10, and two sales at $13. Batwoman, a former star of Detective, is not doing so well on her own, with sales this past week all going for cover price or less, with far more copies simply not selling.
Maybe Batwoman did not have enough sex appeal going for it, which is not a problem for Red Hood and the Outlaws #1, with three sales this week that all came in over $5. Then again, maybe not, as the New 52's resident stripper sold only once this past week, for a whopping $0.99.
Demon Knights and Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E are both just cover price, despite both featuring solid writing from fan favorite writers. So too for Aquaman, which is on its seventh #1 and ninth overall relaunch.
With DC continuing to keep these in circulation in a variety of ways, it was always going to be difficult for them to hold value for long. As seen in most titles, it wasn't even for that long.