Posted in: Comics | Tagged: blue beetle, booster gold, Comics, dc, dc comics, entertainment, keith giffen, new 52
The Return Of The Pre-52 Blue Beetle And Booster Gold – Respectfully, We Informed You Of This At A Previous Juncture
Over a month ago we told you, regarding the comic Justice League 3000,
Bleeding Cool understands that issue # 12 will feature two folks from an earlier incarnation of the Justice League. A much earlier incarnation. My favourite incarnation, from before the New 52 relaunch.
Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, from the bwah-ha-ha-ha era of the Justice League, uncovered after being trapped in a cryonic chamber for a thousand years…
Well, on the eve of DC Comics releasing solicitations for December-shipping titles, writer Keith Giffen told Newsarama,
Keith Giffen: Yes! Booster Gold and Blue Beetle are coming to Justice League 3000, as of issue #12.
I'm not going to keep this a secret anymore. I mean, if Beetle and Booster are coming back, we should scream it from the rooftops, right? Maybe more people will buy it who are Beetle and Booster fans, and not be surprised and miss the issue. So I'm not really big on hiding stuff anymore.
Nrama: Now wait a minute, which Blue Beetle and Booster Gold are these?
Giffen: They're J.M. DeMatteis and my Blue Beetle and Booster Gold.
Our Blue Beetle never got shot in the head. He never split from Booster Gold.
The last memories these two clowns have is that Max was mad at them. Then they woke up in a refrigerator on Takron-Galtos. It's our Justice League.
Nrama: So are they parasites, like the other Justice League 3000 members?
Giffen: No, no. It's Beetle and Booster. This is them. Basically, a cryogenic chamber is found on Takron-Galtos while they're excavating, and inside are Beetle and Booster. It's Ted and Michael. It's really, really them. It's not clones. It's not the parasite thing.
It's not a trick. It's not an imaginary story.
Nrama: But… those characters are from before the New 52 reboot.
Giffen: That's right. So what does that have to say about what universe Justice League 3000 is taking place on? Maybe a universe where, if you went back and looked at Superman in the 21st Century, he might be wearing his underpants on the outside.