Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comicon, cosplay, dark horse, Doc Hammer, Jackson Publick, Patrick Warburton, san diego, sdcc, venture bros
Venture Brothers Creators Announce an Art Book from Dark Horse, Talk Nonsense. The Ventures Panel at SDCC 2013
Devin T. Quin, writing for Bleeding Cool:
For you, the sad Venture Brother's true fan who didn't make the pilgrimage out to the San Diego Comic Con 2013, TAKE HEART! Just follow these easy steps, and YOU TOO can simulate the panel in your very own living room. Here goes!
First, stand outside in the sun for about two hours. Continuously worry that you won't get back in your home. It will help if you dress your house pets or children up in Adventure Time costumes and have them occasionally slink by dejectedly, as Adv. Time was the panel before Ventures which many fans were shut out of.
Wait an additional 15 minutes, then come on back in and have a chair. Cut several pictures out of your High School Yearbook and tape them to a wall. The Indigo Ballroom at the Convention Center Hotel is so huge, these photos will be indistinguishable from the REAL Doc Hammer, Jackson Publick and Patric Warburton sitting a football field away from you.
Read the following statements, in order, and digest them.
• Doc Hammer and Jackson Public are writing season 6 now.
• Obviously Doc Venture is not dead, as was pictured at the end of the last episode, as he's the main character.
• There will be an Art of the Venture Brothers book from Dark Horse, but no release date is available.
• The Season 6 opening episode is the REAL season 5 finale, and this last, upcoming episode of season 5 meerly sets it up.
• The only thing stopping them from making a Venture Bothers video game is that nobody has ever asked them.
Now that you have learned everything of substance there was to learn, inhale deeply from your canister of Nitrous Oxide, call up your crazy, drunk Aunt and have her babble at you for about 20 minutes about whatever comes to her mind. Laugh your butt off. Hang up the phone, get up, leave.
DON'T GET ME WRONG, The Venture Brothers is my favorite TV show currently on the air. Originally a goofy parody of Johnny Quest, The Ventures universe quickly became a sensitive love poem to failure, 70s-80s pop culture and the burning quest for identity. It is slick, smart, ridiculously funny when it wants to be and spontaneously heartbreaking at other times.
The show is directed, written, edited and art directed by only two guys, Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer. These two, dapper gentlemen are college friends who love what you love, unless it's "Game of Thrones."
"I do not watch that stupid Show." says Doc Hammer, sporting a minty fresh black speedsuit with an orange to yellow color chevron and Astro Base patches. "It just seems like Falcon Crest, but with Dragons."
"And yet you love Falcon Crest." intones Jackson, in a matching speedsuit.
"I love Game of Thrones," states Patrick Warburton. Patrick is the voice of Brock Sampson, the Venture family's off-and-on again bodyguard. "I'm not wearing a jumpsuit," Warburton stated earlier, "because I wasn't given one. They cost about $300 dollars."
"Thank you Shirt Club" adds Jackson deadpan. He is slightly upset that he couldn't convince Doc to wear matching orange turtleneck dickies underneath their speedsuits, and holds one up for the crowd.
Two clips were shown for the attendees. First up was the opening three minutes of the season finale, premiering this Sunday. A shorter version is currently available on The clip shows Hank and Dean waking up to their new lives as wards of their Godfathers, The Action Man and Colonel Gentleman, after reading a note that their father may be dead.
The Second clip featured the Monarch, Doctor Venture's arch nemesis, creating a list of tortures to perform on the captured and prone body of his foe. Doc states to Dr. Mrs. The Monarch that he is far from afraid, as he's been kidnapped before and no one is really going to hurt anyone. The former Dr. Girlfriend chillingly informs him of his mistake, and then breaks his arm.
Patrick's son is in the audience, cosplaying as Shore Leave. Doc and Jackson essentially make fun of Patricks 15 year old kid until it is slightly uncomfortable for everybody. Doc assure people that they have prepared no content, and proceeds to ramble about bowel movements, Patrick's voice and his regrets at killing off fan favorite 24.
"I have pages of jokes for him," says Doc. "Can't we do a flashback?"
The boys open the floor up to questions, which they have no intention of answering with any urgency. Jackson answers a "Yes or No" question with "Yup." When asked if there would be a follow up to a plot point that Doc Venture was writing a musical, and would we see more of it, Doc explodes "Really, you want more music in your cartoon? Do you want more kissing too? When I was a kid, I hated that stuff."
A fan asks if the characters Dean and Hank, the eponymous Venture Brothers, are slowly turning into Doc and Jackson as the show goes on. "The whole cast is slowly turning into us" says Doc.
"Next season Hank will have a bad knee." agrees Jackson.
"Or a bad back," adds Doc. "So sure, I don't know, who cares?" Doc
A fan starts her question with "My first dumb question is – " before Doc breaks in with "OH! There's a series of them? Excellent!"
This is what a Ventures Panel is. Funny, unfiltered ego trying to push past the discomfort two brilliant artist feel when thrust out of the studio and forced in front of a giant ballroom's worth of screaming fans. This devil-may-care attitude is one of the reason these Venture panels are so well attended. An absolutely adoring fan base is another.
A costume contest is held, and the winner is given a T-shirt from the new T-shirt club the lads run. Shirts based on episodes, are designed and produced by Doc and Jackson, and are sold through their website to provide merch for the fans and help with the bills. The winner gets to be the model for the new shirt, and the photo is taken on the spot with Doc's Droid. "I'm just going to get my cell phone out and take a picture of it, because that's how crappy Shirt Club is." says Doc.
Are you getting the idea?
At the beginning of the panel, Doc states that he's sorry that it takes the two of them so long to make their show, but that they try to make it wonderful and they really love what they do. They love their fans, but get bothered by the criticisms regarding turn around times.
"Stop getting mad at us and just love us" states Doc. This is not a joke, but an earnest request.
We do, Doc. You, Jackson, Patrick and all of the Venture Brothers family. We love you, We love you, We love you….