Teddiursa, Cubchoo, Pancham, and Stufful take center stage in a new teddy bear-themed Research Day event coming to Pokémon GO.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Alolan Geodude, Alolan Geodude Community Day, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Alolan Geodude Stars In Pokémon GO May 2022 Community Day
It's official. Niantic has announced the next Pokémon GO Community Day: Alolan Geodude. This May Community Day will feature this region variant of Geodude and introduce a new Fast Attack for Alolan Golem.
Here are the full details of Alolan Geodude Community Day in Pokémon GO:
- Date and time: Saturday, May 21st, 2022, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM local time.
- Community Day Pokémon: Alolan Geodude. There will not be a Kanto Geodude feature as with March's Sandshrew Community Day which included both. I'm a little surprised we're seeing no Kanto Geodude presence after Alolan Sandshrew set the precedent here.
- Community Day Attack: Evolving Alolan Geodude all the way up (or, of course, evolving Alolan Graveler) during the event or during the two-hour window afterward will result in an Alolan Golem suited with the Fast Attack Rollout.
- Community Day bonuses:
- Triple Catch Stardust
- Double Catch Candy
- Double the chance to get Geodude Candy XL from catches
- One extra Special Trade during event or up to two hours afterward with a limit of two Special Trades during the day.
- Half Stardust is required for trades made during event or up to two hours afterward Community Day ends.
- GO Snapshot photobomb will be active
- Event-themed stickers
- Group Bonuses: If a certain unspecified number of Pokémon are caught with help from a single Lure Module, the Triple Catch Stardust bonus will increase to Quadruple Catch Stardust for Trainers near the Lured PokéStop for half an hour.
- In the Pokémon GO shop:
- Ticked Research: The Community Day Special Research questline will be called A Rocky Road. It will be available in the Pokémon GO shop for $1 USD.
- Buy it for a buddy: For the first time ever, Trainers will be able to gift a ticket for this paid Special Research to a friend.
- Community Day Box: 975 PokéCoins will get you one Super Incubator, one Lucky Egg, one Elite Fast TM, and one Star Piece.
- Ticked Research: The Community Day Special Research questline will be called A Rocky Road. It will be available in the Pokémon GO shop for $1 USD.

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