Posted in: Games, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Mobile Games, Niantic | Tagged: harry potter, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, hpwu, Niantic, Wizards Unite
Ancient Dragons Descend In Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
It may seem as if the current March 2021 Brilliant Event is just getting started in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, but Niantic has announced the details of the next Adversaries Event. The Adversaries Events boost certain encounters in the new Adversaries mechanic introduced in December 2020, wherein players enter a chain of battles with foes getting strong and stronger until they reach the final boss. Adversaries Events have been critiqued as item drains that are too difficult for all but the most intense players of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, while others enjoy the element of narrative added. These events have effectively replaced the Wizarding Weekends, which were once a staple of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.
The full details for the first of two Adversaries Events in April 2021 come from the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite blog:
From Friday, April 2 at 11 a.m. PT–Monday, April 5 at 11 a.m. PT, keep an eye out for the following:
Increased Adversary sightings of the Ancient Norwegian Ridgeback, Ancient Hungarian Horntail and Ancient Ukrainian Ironbelly
Increased spawns of Dragon Egg Portmanteaus, including: Peruvian Vipertooth Egg, Chinese Fireball Egg, Welsh Green Egg and Antipodean Opaleye Egg
Increased spawns of Wit-Sharpening Potion ingredients, such as Armadillo Bile, Ginger Root, Ground Scarab Beetles and Newt Spleen
Master Notes will reduce all variants of Exstimulo and Wit-Sharpening Potions brew time by 25%
Guaranteed Occamy Fragments from Dark Chambers (Chamber 16 and above)
Increased Wizarding XP and Challenge Family XP from completing Challenges
In addition to all of that, there will also be a bonus active for newer Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Details are as follows:
Players between Level 4 and Level 14 will be able to access a special Baruffio's Spotlight Event during this time, with the following bonuses:
Baruffio's Brain Elixir brew time reduced to 6 hours
Master Notes will reduce Baruffio's Brain Elixir brew time by 50%
Baruffio's Brain Elixir effects increased to 3X Wizarding XP
That isn't it for Adversaries in April 2021. There will be a second Adversaries Event later in the month focusing on the monsters originally seen in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Aragog and the Basilisk. Bleeding Cool readers can look forward to a full breakdown of the tasks and rewards from this Adversaries Event, coming soon.