Posted in: Games, Tabletop | Tagged: CMON, game of thrones, george r r martin, song of ice and fire
CMON's 'Song of Ice and Fire' Previews New Units
Brand new units are coming to CMON's Song of Ice and Fire table-top miniatures game, providing plenty of options to flesh out existing armies from Westeros.
First up is the second set of Stark Heroes, adding the fearsome swordsman Syrio Farel, Aria Stark, perpetual arrow magnet Rickon Stark and his Shaggydog, and the Reed kids, Jojen and Meera. This set of all-plastic, pre-assembled miniatures is set for release in the first quarter of 2019.
House Stark players will also be able to reinforce their battle lines with these mounted Tully Cavaliers, which do not have a release date yet. But they'll make a great counter to Lannister Knights for sure!
More jerkface Lions are on the way, with another box of heroes to fill out Lannister ranks. Included in this box are all seven King's Guard, and punk-faced weasel licker Joffrey Baretheon.
The Poor Fellows box will also see release at some point in 2019, and have a game mechanic that has them increase in numbers as the battle rages on!
The Brothers in Black finally get their own Heroes box, with several new unit command options. The Night's Watch Heroes Box will be released in the second quarter of 2019.
Night's Watch Conscripts will hit tables in the first quarter of 2019, with lower-cost options for commanders looking to defend the Wall.
The Free Folk will also see their first box of heroes in the second quarter of 2019, and if the box art is to be believed, we'll see Ygritte and Rattleshirt on tables soon!
Free Folk players will get more troop choices in the first quarter of 2019 with Cave Dweller Savages, which look like some rough-and-tumble boys looking for a stabbing party. We wonder if the Cave Dwellers are rank and file troops, or if Song of Ice and Fire is getting its first skirmish troops? We'll know soon enough!
CMON's Song of Ice and Fire is a strategic table top miniature game based off of the books of the same name from George R.R. Martin, which also inspired a little program on HBO. You can find the game just about anywhere that sells table-top games.
Now, bring on the Martells and Dothraki, CMON!