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Complete November 2020 Field Research Tasks In Pokémon GO
Every month in 2020, the Field Research tasks that can be found at PokéStops in Pokémon GO have shifted to the month's theme to match the typing of the Research Breakthrough Pokémon. This month is Fairy-themed, which ties into the Field Research Breakthrough feature of Togetic. It seems, though, that there are also Dragon-types featured along with the Fairies. Here is a breakdown of the new and returning tasks that can be found from spinning these stops, with information about the Pokémon encounters that can be earned through completing these tasks… including some Shiny Pokémon with boosted odds.
Catching Pokémon Tasks
- Catch 3 Pokémon with Weather Boost: Dratini (shiny available, full odds)
- Catch 5 Pokémon with Weather Boost: Poliwag, Vulpix (shiny available, full odds for both)
- Catch 3 Fairy-type Pokémon: Clefairy (shiny available, full odds)
- Catch 10 Pokémon: Magikarp (shiny available, full odds)
- Catch a Dragon-type Pokémon: Dratini (shiny available, full odds)
- Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokémon: Snubbull (shiny available, full odds)
Pokéball Tasks
Pokémon GO brings only one change this month, shifting from Spinda #2 to Spinda #4 for the always-available Spinda task.
- Make 3 Excellent Throws in a row: Larvitar (shiny available, full odds)
- Make 3 Great Throws: Lileep, Anorith, Gastly (shiny available for all three, full odds)
- Make 3 Great Throws in a row: Onix (shiny available, boosted odds)
- Make 5 Great Curveball Throws in a row: Spinda #4 (shiny available, boosted odds)
- Make 5 Nice Throws: Voltorb (shiny available, full odds)
Pokémon Buddy & Friend Tasks
- Give your Buddy 3 Treats: Swablu (shiny available, full odds)
- Send 3 Gifts to your Friends: Jigglypuff (shiny available, full odds)
- Trade a Pokémon: Vibrava
- Earn 5 Hearts with Your Buddy: Ralts (shiny available, full odds)
Just a note here: While Vibrava isn't Shiny-capable, the Trade task may still be one that you'd like to do and then save the encounter in your stacked research for when Pokémon GO offers a double or triple Stardust event. Catching Vibrava offers more Stardust due to it being a second-stage Pokémon, so it can add up if you bank these.
Pokémon GO Raid and PVP Tasks
- Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket Grunts: Bagon (shiny available, full odds)
- Win a Raid: Mawile (shiny available, boosted odds)
- Win 5 Raids: Aerodactyl (shiny available, boosted odds)
- Win a Level 3 or Higher Raid: Kabuto, Omanyte (shiny available for both, full odds)
Mawile being here is a huge opportunity, as it is usually Raid and Egg only. For those who haven't yet caught this Shiny in Pokémon GO, taking advantage of its boosted odds would be a great investment.
Misc. Tasks
- Evolve a Pokémon: Eevee (shiny available, full odds), Seadra
- Hatch an Egg: Cottonee
- Power Up Pokémon 5 times: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle (shiny available for all three, full odds)
- Transfer 3 Pokémon: Alolan Rattata (shiny available, full odds)