Posted in: Card Games, Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: Charizard, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, Pokémon GO Anniversary Event
Complete Pokémon GO 6th Anniversary Event Raid Rotation
Pokémon GO has kicked off its 6th Anniversary Event. This Charizard-themed event brings in new Costumed Pokémon including Cake Costume Pikachu and Party Hat Charizard and Charmeleon. In addition to that, its raids have been enriched by Ultra Unlock bonuses featuring rare and normally regional species that can now be encountered worldwide. Let's get into the details.
Here is the complete Pokémon GO 6th Anniversary Event raid rotation:
Tier One:
- Cake Costume Pikachu – can be Shiny, rate unknown but likely standard one in 500
- Dratini – can be Shiny, rate is the standard one in 500
- Pansear – can be Shiny, rate unknown but likely standard one in 500
- Unown E – can be Shiny, rate unknown but likely boosted
The winner here is Unown E, as it will not be spawning in the wild. Shiny Unown E will be the gem of the event. Pansear raids may be alluring but my two cents here is that we should wait to see how rare Pansear spawns are in the wild before going too hard on raids.
Tier Three
- Venusaur – can be Shiny, uses the Mega-capable species rate of approximately one in 60
- Party Hat Charizard – can be Shiny, rate unknown but likely boosted
- Blastoise – can be Shiny, uses the Mega-capable species rate of approximately one in 60
- Tyranitar
- Metagross
This is actually a solid Tier Three. Tyranitar and Metagross are always worth the candy and a Shiny-capable Costumed Charizard in raids is a no-brainer. These can also all be soloed, so go on and raids, Trainers.
Tier Five:
- Articuno at the start of the event – can be Shiny, uses the Legendary rate of approximately one in 20
- Zapdos later in the event – can be Shiny, uses the Legendary rate of approximately one in 20
Mega Raids:
- Mega Charizard X at the start of the event – can be Shiny, uses the Mega-capable species rate of approximately one in 60
- Mega Charizard Y later in the event – can be Shiny, uses the Mega-capable species rate of approximately one in 60